Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Started The Last Cut Out Project

 Yesterday was dull, dismal, and wet. The high got to 16C. This morning it is cloudy and 8C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 15C. 


My friend texted me yesterday morning to say her son has Covid. She had spoke in person with him on Sunday so was going to be monitoring herself. I had visited her on Monday evening and am going to be monitoring myself. 

Family has the cold now and I was fighting it. I had no energy, a tiny sore throat and my nose was running. I went and got groceries and stuff to help get rid of the cold. I had no energy and rested once I got home. I medicated myself and took extra Vitamin C. I may have caught it in the early stages or I am hoping I have. 

I am back to wearing a mask when shopping. Not only for Covid but for the flu and colds that are going around. 

It poured rain last evening. It came down so hard that I could hear it above the tv. Was not expecting that to happen. I hope we have enough moisture in the ground once again. 


I drug myself down to sew yesterday. I decided to start with the skirt (petticoat) of the outfit. I cut a strip of bias to finish the back seams. I serged the hem. It was gather and put the waistband on and then hem. Done to the snap on the waistband. 

It took me about 2 hours to make the skirt. The fabric frays and I had to handle it carefully. Putting bias on to finish seams takes extra time but it is so nice when done. 

I was going to play with the doll's fabrics but ran out of time. Maybe in the next couple of days as I know the top will take longer to sew and I will need breaks. 


I bundled up in my house coat and knit last night. I got the gusset done on the sock. 

I have less than 70 rows to knit and this sock will be done. Then on to the next pair. 


    I have rested for the past two days fighting the cold and my hip is feeling much better. I am assuming the SI joint was inflamed. Probably from me being on the ladder painting. I will know today when I start to paint once again. 

    I have decided to stay home for the next few days so I can get rid of the cold. I am not sure what is happening with our Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. I am not going out to dinner on Monday. I am doing the isolation thing for a few days going out only to vote (mask on) and to get anything I really need which I hope is nothing. If necessary, I can make myself a turkey dinner on the weekend. I have all the food for that. 

    The fridge is working fine and I have put some food in it. We wait and see if it freezes up once again or if cleaning the drain pipe was the magic fix. Fingers crossed it continues to work. 


I am going to paint the second coat on the wall in the spare bedroom as I am feeling better. I want to start sewing the top of the doll's outfit this afternoon and will knit tonight. I am staying home today so I don't spread the cold to anyone as I am probably still contagious. 

Until the next time................................................................

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