Sunday, October 06, 2024

Ready To Paint Again

 Yesterday was cloudy with quite a few small showers. The high got to 16.5C. This morning it is cloudy and 12C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with some sunshine. The high is to get to 19C. 


Yesterday morning I was in the spare bedroom in good time scrubbing the floor space where I had painted. It was on your hands and knees scrubbing as I had to get some paint off the floor. Once I had wiped the floor dry, I moved the furniture to the painted side of the room. I can start to paint the other side after I wash the walls. 

I am going to finish the door wall and do the closet wall next. Last will be the wall that has no openings. 

I looked in the spare bedroom closet and took out the boxes I use to mail gifts to daughter and put them in the basement. What is left on the floor is paper work I have in a plastic tub and an old sewing machine that belongs to daughter-in-law. The shelf has a few items on it that I need. Some blankets will go into a tub as I use them to protect the plants in the spring against wind, heat, and frost. The closet is in good shape as I don't put a lot into it. 

Once done the spare bedroom, I folded laundry and put it away. My energy level was rock bottom and my hip was tired. I did have a nap after lunch and it did help me get through the day. 

Dinner was at family's and we had a delicious ham dinner. The carrots were from my garden and were sweet. Daughter-in-law's parents are here and we visited some. Her mom has a nasty cold and went to bed early. After son and grandson put the food away, I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen for daughter-in-law. I was home in good time as they were going to watch movies. 


I didn't sew yesterday as I napped. I did watch a video on fabrics for 2025. Christmas, halloween, fall and summer. 

There is quite a bit of pink for Christmas 2025. One I did like was cats (Purfect Christmas) as it came in blue. The other was Old World Yuletide as it had a selection of blue fabrics. A Very Sweet Christmas was vintage and roses and very pretty. 

Fall's line up was quite earthy but Basic Grey had blue included in her Acorn Hollow line. The Halloween fabrics didn't interest me as I don't do Halloween. 

Spring and summer fabrics were varied in colours. Lots of pinks and sage greens. I did like Rainer by Jessica Rose as it had blues in it. 

You can find the catalogue here so you can look at what is coming in 2025. I look forward to seeing what our local quilt shops bring in and I wonder what they will choose for their Christmas in July contest for 2025.


I knit on the socks and got the it ready to pick up the stitches. 

The pattern is a bit confusing as it doesn't say to cut the black yarn. I unknit the heel flap realizing I needed to knit two more rows in the black. I then cut the black yarn and started once again knitting the heel flap. 

I know I can finish the heel and pick up the gusset stitches in one evening. 


    The fog has rolled in while I was writing and it is getting quite thick. Hopefully it means it will be sunnier than expected after the fog burns off. 

    I slept well last night and I have very little pain in my hip this morning. I know I need to pace myself and let everything get over the flare up I had. The muscles are not as sore and the SI joint has only mild pain. I am hoping that the pain remains minimal so I don't get exhausted from it. 

    As I am almost finished sewing what I had cut out in late September, I am now thinking about what I want to cut out next. I want to make one bag without handles so I know what size I need to make for gifts. I need to cut out more piping and after that I need to make some decisions on what to sew using up the stash. 


I am making seafood chowder this morning. I am also going to paint in the spare bedroom. This afternoon I am going to bind the quilt and start hand sewing it down. Tonight I will work on the socks. 

Until the next time.....................................................

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