Monday, October 14, 2024

The Next Projects Are Prepped

 Yesterday was sunny and windy with a high of 13C. This morning it is cloudy, wet, and 7C. Today is suppose to be wet with a high of 17C.


I struggled doing things yesterday as my back and knees were sore (storm coming in). I did bake buns and they were big and light. The kitchen was cleaned up and all looks good. 

I hauled out the central vacuum cleaner hose and vacuumed the floors. The dust and hair is gone and the floors look shinier once again. Vacuuming made my back and SI joint sore so I was careful to rest and apply heat. 

My target area was the living room. I spent a lot of time moving some furniture and dusting all I could. The knitting mess was dealt with. It was creeping out of its container to take up more space than necessary on the couch. I had small bags of left over yarn that I had tossed into my knitting bag. I put them into a bag I had and they are in the basement. I have them under the stairs where I can get at them easily to add more as time goes on. I will give them to a lady who uses them for her projects. By noon, the living room felt calm again with everything in its proper place. 

After lunch, I took the recycling out to the bins in the garage. The kitchen has one spot that is annoying me and I need to figure out how I am going to deal with it. It wasn't a job for yesterday as I am still thinking about it. I will figure out a solution in the next couple of days. 

I had dinner at family's last night. It was a delicious turkey dinner. We chatted away about their trip to New Brunswick and grandson did well at the University there. He may be going there again to play this winter. Daughter-in-law and her parents went to PEI to see Charolettetown. Before and after dinner we worked on a puzzle which tested our patience. I was home by 7:30 pm as I was tired and sore. 


I made it down to the sewing room and started cutting out the next projects. I got three fat quarters cut for piping. 

I next cut the fabrics for a basket. I also cut the interfacing and fusible fleece. No pictures of it. The scraps were put on the shelf as I will use them for something and if not they will go to the quilter's group. 

I cut the doll's skirt and I have a lot of fabric left from it. I found lace for it and took the strip off it so I could iron it flat. 

And lastly, I laid out the pyjama pattern. It is ready to pin down. 

The left over piece will be used to trim other pyjamas. I didn't get them cut out as my back and knees were throbbing. I went upstairs to put heat on them. 


I got the skein of yarn out to wind and will get it done today. I also need to find yarn to knit a doll's sweater to go with the skirt. 


    I am working my way through tidying up the house once again. I am realizing how I enjoy having the house tidy and everything in its place and having a place for everything. I realize that I am enjoying what I have and know that I can let go of more as time goes on. I am near my clutter threshold at this time as the sewing room and the craft area are being beyond it. I am slowly working on those areas to get it so I feel more calm when working in those areas. 

    I am still deciding which area I will paint next. I may start in my bedroom and get it done. I can sleep in the spare bedroom when I do it. Once it is done, I can slowly tackle the walls in the open space. At that point I will need to order blinds for the windows. 

     The wind has basically stopped blowing but will start again as the rain moves in. It is nice not having to listen to it blow against the house. I am not sure how much rain we will get but I do know that everything will be good and wet. I hope to plant the garlic on Friday and get it covered for winter. The 7 garlic plants in the garden are really growing as we have had enough rain, sunshine, and warmth this fall. 


I am home all day as everything is closed due to it being Thanksgiving. I want to do the balance sheet, wrap some gifts to send to daughter, and do a bit more cleaning. This afternoon I want to cut out the pyjamas, sew something, and wind the yarn so I can knit tonight. I am hoping that I can do less today and let my back relax and stop hurting. 

Until the next time........................................................

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