Sunday, June 23, 2024

Three Tiny Tomatoes

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 24.1C. There is hardly any humidity and the breeze was cool. This morning it is a mix of sun and clouds and 12C. Today we are to have showers with periods of rain tonight. The high is to get to 20C (humidex 25C). 


My first job was to water the plants. As I watered, I did some more weeding. Doing a bit each day is keeping the job easy. When I watered the tomatoes, I look for sprouts that need to be broken off. While looking I found 3 grape tomatoes on one plant. 

I didn't think there would be any at this time. The other plants are blooming like crazy so we will be having tomatoes if all goes well. 

When cleaning the hedge, grandson and I found a lady bug rock. We left it in the hedge wondering who had put it there (ie - which child in the area). I found out yesterday that our friend across the street painted it and put it there for us to find. I will be bringing it into the shed in the fall. I want to move it so it is on the house side of the hedge so it can be admired.

I thought that was such a cute idea and a great surprise when weeding the hedge. 

Once done the outside work, I cleaned the bathroom. I got a lot of fluff picked up, the bath tub cleaned of said fluff, and the other usual things I do when cleaning the bathroom. I finished up by washing the bathroom floor. It was time to rest as my muscles were sore from all the stretching I do when cleaning the tub. But, the room looks clean and tidy. Room 2 done. 

I was out to watch grandson play soccer in the late afternoon. It was a great game with lots of the team's parents there yelling (like me). When grandson got on the field, he played really well and almost made 2 goals. His team played well but they "tanked" out as did the other team. It was a tied game though grandson's team should have won. They were the stronger team. We all noticed that one of the boys playing on the other team was on the team that son coached a few years ago (Covid era). We didn't recognize any of the other players as most are on other teams. 


I finished hand sewing the binding down on the pillow. I was putting the pillow form into it when I had to leave. It hasn't been worked enough to make it look smooth. 

The flap covering the zipper on the back worked perfectly. I was excited about that. 

I will be taking pillow #1 apart and doing it this way. One of July's projects. 


The socks were knit on last night and I am ready to start the toe. 

I love this pattern and hope to use it on the front of a doll's sweater. 


    We need rain and the storm that was to arrive this morning is coming in slower than anticipated. It is going to be humid which is not going to be fun. It is also going to be windy. 

    I have been eating more carefully the past 2 days and my weight is being stubborn. It will come off as I am not snacking and am eating close to my points (a bit over). I am also trying to keep moving which is good for weight loss and my sore muscles. This happened when I started to loose weight last year. I ate carefully every day and didn't loose any weight for a week and then had a weight loss. 

    I am slowly trying to get a plan together for cleaning the house (up and down stairs). I also want to do the freezer inventory and meal planning so I can use up the food in the freezer and have meals that are healthy. I tend to eat poorly when it is hot and humid. I am hoping having a meal plan will help me eat healthier and not go to buy fast food. 


I have to water the garden this morning as we don't get rain until tonight. Then I have to do the balance sheet and start on the freezer inventory. Daughter-in-law and I are going to the "rolling wool shop" so she can choose her yarn for her Christmas socks. I will buy another skein for another pair of socks for someone. I want to work on the doll's pants this afternoon and knit tonight. House work will be to sweep floors. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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