Wednesday, June 05, 2024

More Sewing On The Bag

 Yesterday was sunny and warm with a high of 22C. This morning it is clear and 11. Today is to be sunny with some wind and a high of 23C.


I spent the morning doing food prep. I put tortellini into bags so I can cook individual servings and then added a bag of cooked chicken to each one. The left over chicken I put into the stock pot and cooked. The broth and shredded chicken was put into the freezer for soup. I also cooked chicken which was cut up and frozen. The chicken fillets were frozen in a container for  a meal. By the time I got everything cleaned up, it was noon. I am thinking my next meal prep will be pork. 

I was out in the late afternoon and watered all the plants. Everything is doing well even if we have had a bit more wind than is necessary. I checked on the Spousal Unit's rose bush and it has 6 buds on it. It looks like it will be producing blooms all summer. 

This morning Elliott and I were awakened by a noise that sounded like kids in the back yard. It was the neighbour's cat yowling while sitting on the shed ramp. I hissed and yelled back and it left. Elliott was all over the house trying to find it. He was at the back door and several windows. When I opened the back door at 6 am to smell the fresh air, he was out on the deck in a second. A good sniff told him the deck was good and he came inside to eat. 

The dehumidifier has been running a lot since the weather has warmed up. It will run most of the summer as we do have a lot of humidity. You can actually see it roll in from the north west. 


I sewed yesterday afternoon until I saw cross hatching lines. The last panel was interfaced and cross hatched. It was then sewn to the center panel. I had to fix a spot where the stitching on the piping showed. Then it was to make the bottom part of the bag. I cut it out and interfaced it. I then centered it onto the front panel and sewed it. I gave it a good pressing and then started to draw the cross hatch lines so they matched up to the bag. That was done carefully to make it look seamless. 

Where the stitching on the bottom met the bag, I pulled the threads to the back and tied them off. A lot of work but it worth the extra time it took. 

I am ready to do the other side of the bag. Once the top part is put on and cross hatched, I will cut off the sides pieces so the bag is 20" across. 

I am happy with the bag at this time. Daughter-in-law has claimed it as hers as she loves it. I will make a couple of wine bottle bags to use up the left over fabric. I want no leftover fabrics from this project. 


I worked on the socks last night and have 15 rounds left to knit before the toes. 

I weighed the left over yarn and have 81 grams left. That means I have 25 grams left to finish the sock. I don't think I need that much yarn. I am a happy camper that I can knit grandson's socks from this skein of yarn. The other skein in this colour range will make socks for someone else. 


    With the garden planted, I can wait a couple of days before planting more carrot seeds. I will water daily to keep it growing well. I have to fertilize the beds starting with the garlic. My next job is to buy more petunias and replant the ones that died from the wind. Then it will be the hedge. 

    My IBS has flared up once again. Part of it is stress. I have been worrying about getting things done in and out of the house. Part is making sure the bag I'm making is done to the highest level of creativity and sewing I can achieve. I also think that I need to drink only water with ice and no flavourings. I think the artificial sweeteners could be an issue. They were in the past so they could be now. 

    I have started to make a plan on what I need to sew next. Back into the Christmas fabrics I go. It is time to make more items for the craft bazaar. I also need a day to clean up and reorganize the paper crafts and do some more crafting two to three times a week even if only for an hour at a time. 


I am going to quickly clean the kitchen and then head out to get petunias. Once home, I will sew on the bag. I want to plant the petunias in the late afternoon when I do all my watering. Tonight I will knit on the socks.

Until the next time.........................................................

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