Monday, June 10, 2024

Progress On The Bag

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 22.9C. About 1/4" rain fell in the evening. This morning it is clear and 12C. Today is to be sunny, cloudy with a risk of a thundershower this afternoon. The high is to get to 21C. 


My first job was to check on the dehumidifier. I had taken the drainage hose out of it and needed to see if the tank needed emptying. Not really but I did empty it. The basement is smelling better now that I don't have the dehumidifier sitting in a tray of water (it was leaking at a connection we couldn't get tight). The stagnant water was making the basement smell musty. All is good again with me emptying the dehumidifier every day or two. 

I did the balance sheet and was done in good time. I am on track financially at this time. When done, I folded and put away laundry  and then went grocery shopping. 

The grocery store wasn't busy but well stocked. I discovered local strawberries and bought a box. They were delicious; sweet and full of flavour. I also bought some items so I can use my bbq. I had a good shopping trip and was home in good time. 

Just before dinner I watered all the plants. When I watered the box with carrots in it, I saw a lot of carrots seeds had sprouted and were up. The last ones I planted wasn't necessary. I will be thinning carrots in 3 weeks. The cucumbers are coming up. The beans and peas have roots coming out so they will be up soon. The leeks need to be weeded now that they are growing and getting bigger. 


I worked on the bag yesterday. The piping and top piece were sewn onto the bag. Everything got a good pressing and then I applied 2 layers of interfacing to the front and back pieces. The last layer of interfacing is heavier and hard to iron on so I sewed it in place. 

I spent the longest time sewing one side seam. The piping would not line up. It was sew, rip out, sew, rip out, and then baste it in place. I got it done the best I could. 

I pressed the seam open and stopped for a rest. I swept the floor and cleaned up the cutting table. I knew I was done for the day as I didn't want to fight with the other side seam. 

Once the other side seam is done, the bottom can be sewn together and then boxed. Then the lining and it will be done. I am hoping to have it done by the 15th. I will deliver it on the 18th. I am looking forward to seeing how this bag looks when done. I will also sew up a wine bottle bag for fun. They take no time at all compared to the bag. 


I knit 20 rounds on the socks last night. I think I have 25 rounds left before I start on the heel flap. This sock is growing quickly and I forget to take pictures of it. 

While looking in a bag, I found 3 balls of cotton yarn. I am going to knit something for the dolls out of it. It is a deep turquoise colour. It is in the line up after I finish socks and the doll's sweater I am making.


    I am going to schedule a couple of afternoons to clean the family room. This will be after the bag is finished. I am thinking of going through everything I can in an hour, sew for an hour, and then do another hour of decluttering and organizing. It needs to be done so I can start doing some paper crafts once again. I look at the mess and walk away. Not good for my creativity.

    I am going to have to push myself out the door early in the mornings to work on the hedge. I know it needs to be done and I hope to work on it daily. Then I can go into maintenance mode after that. I want to be able to enjoy the yard rather than worry about getting the jobs done in the heat and humidity. 


I am going to do a bit of tidying up before I leave for my osteopathy appointment. Once I'm done the appointment, I will get lunch and head home. This afternoon, I will work on the bag and try to get more than one seam done. Tonight I will knit on the socks. I also have to water all the plants. 

Until the next time...............................................

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