Friday, June 28, 2024

An Outfit Finished and An Outfit Started

 Yesterday morning was a mix of mist and downpours. About 1/2" of rain fell before lunch. The high got to 24.3C. This morning it is a mix of sun and clouds and 15C. Today we are to have a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 20C. 


After going over to family's house to check on the cat and empty the dehumidifier, I was back to start cleaning the master bedroom. I wanted to scrub the windows but couldn't due to the rain which started as mist and turned to downpours. I did get the room cleaned though and the floors mopped. I also did 2 loads of laundry. They aren't folded yet but will be sooner rather than later. 

I got the compost bin in while it was misting. When I got back into the house, it was raining hard. I was lucky as it could have opened up on me while outside. 


I spent the afternoon sewing. I sewed snaps onto the top and one onto the palazzo pants. I am happy with the end result of this outfit. 

You can actually see the top under the jacket which is nice. 

And the outfit. 

From there, I started on the Orange Blossom outfit. I cut out the tie and did a white rolled hem. One end looks a bit rough but it will do. 

Next I cut out the hat lining.  

I decided to see if I had enough fabric for the dress and the outer fabric of the hat. I did.

I spent the rest of the afternoon sewing the hat lining. I have the pattern but not the instructions. I got the pattern for free years ago. It is now listed in her shop. 

And the back side which shows all the seams. 

I have enough of the check fabric to make shoes for this outfit plus a fat quarter to make daughter piping for her shirts. All that will be left is small scraps of fabric. 


I am thinking of making a quilt as you go quilt using sashing. I will do a page on how to make it as I learn the process. I will be buying the fabrics as I have nothing. I am hoping it will take 3 meters of fabric at the most. Something simple that I can throw on the back of the couch. It has to be blue. 

I worked on the sock last night and got the heel flap done, turned the heel and picked up the gusset stitches. 

If I keep knitting the way I have been, it should be finished by the end of next week. Hurrah.


    The neighbour got chickens and had them outside last night. Hopefully they will be contained in their yard this year. If they arrive here, I will be dealing with it. He knows the drill as well as I do. 

    It is hard to believe that June is coming to an end. I look at what was accomplished here in June and I am pleased that more was done than ever before. I will be home for July 1st (Canada Day) but am fine with that. It will be a quiet start to July which could be another busy month. 


I need to go over shortly to check on the cat and empty the dehumidifier in the basement. Then it is off to New Minas to get cat food and get a few items I need. I would like to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time..............................................................

1 comment:

  1. Carol in Denver2:46 PM

    I hope you make clothes for yourself that are as pretty and colorful as those you make for the dolls1
