Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Dog Quilt Is Quilted

 Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with two small showers in the late afternoon. The high got to 22.8C. This morning it is clear and 11C. Today it is suppose to be a mix of clouds and sun with a high of 25C (humidex 30). We could have more of those small showers. 


I was out to physio early yesterday. After a quick evaluation, I was put into traction positions to help release a very tight SI joint and to help relax the two muscles at hurt. I did some gym work and then had current and heat. I am going to say I suffered a lot during the day but things released during the night. There is less pain this morning. 

Dinner was with family last night. We had spaghetti which was delicious. I left early so I could put heat on my pains. Daughter-in-law and grandson were bagging lego kits. They are making progress on this and hope to have them done by the end of the month. Son was working late as they have a deadline to meet at work. 

I watered all the plants and I need to transplant bok choy plants. Everything else is growing well with the heat we have been having. I am hoping we have a good garden again this year. 


After physio, I went to get the dog quilt. It is gorgeous. 

Now I need to bind it and put it away for a month while I sew up a few other items for the "auction box". 

I bought a piece of interfacing and a skein of embroidery floss at the quilt shop. I did look at fabric but didn't buy any. I may buy something in July for the doll's sewing project. 

In the afternoon, I cut interfacing, pressed interfacing, and made the outer part of 3 wine bottle bags. 

This time, I decided to cut 1" strips, fold them in half and use them as flat piping on the bags. I have some snowflake fabric for the lining which has languished in the stash for a very long time (7+ years). 

I am excited to be coming to the end of the snow ball fight fabric. There are 2 mug rugs left to make. Then it will be on to finishing up the cardinal quilt fabric. 


I did knit last night as the house was cool enough for me to knit with heat on my hip. I picked up the gusset stitches and got 5 rounds done before I stopped. I was tired and ready for an early night. 

It is 10 days until I will be buying 2 skeins of yarn for more socks. I won't see the rolling yarn shop again until she goes to New Minas in the late fall. By then I will need more sock yarn. 


    We have absolutely no idea what caused the flare up in my hip and why it is lasting so long. It may have been weeding the hedge though I wasn't doing anything unusual. All I know is that it has set me back getting things done. And, I am not enjoying the pain and the meds I have to take for it. 

    While it showered the first time, I grabbed 2 solar lights and worked on them in the house. I got both working which is great. I still have a bunch of small solar lights to work on and give away. I may even put them into my friend's flower patch. I am now buying the bigger ones for my yard and have a plan to have a few more around the shed. 

    Daughter showed me the first scape on her garlic. I am jealous as I don't have any showing yet. My garlic won't be ready to pull until the beginning of August at the rate it is growing. Some of the garlic is 18 - 24" tall. Hopefully it will have big bulbs under those stalks. On the other hand, I have blooms on my tomatoes and she doesn't. Our friendly competition has begun. 


I am going to do housework this morning and make a potato salad and devilled eggs. This afternoon, I will sew and water the garden. This evening I will knit. A stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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