Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dog Quilt Completed

 Yesterday was hot and sunny. The high got to 32.8C with a humidex of 42C. This morning it is clear and 19C. Today it is suppose to be hot and windy with a high of 34C (humidex 43C). There could be a thunderstorm tonight. 


Yesterday morning started off with grandson weed whacking the ditch and daughter-in-law cutting down the big weeds. My job was to water all the plants. Daughter-in-law took the garbage to the curb. Once done, daughter-in-law and I were off to the city. 

Our trip to the city was fast. We did two stores getting items for us and for the community hall. The temperature was rising rapidly and we wanted to get home. On the way home, you could see the humidity rolling in from the Minas Basin and we knew the afternoon was going to be really hot. Once we got home, we unloaded at the community hall, family's place and then mine. We could then hunker down in the coolness of our houses. 


I spent the afternoon in the cool basement hand sewing the binding down on the dog quilt. It took me almost 4 hours to do. 

It was nice to get this project completed and it will be shipped this summer when I get a few more items made and in the box. 


I did knit last night as upstairs was cool. I am getting the gusset decreased and should have it done tonight. 

It is fun to watch the socks develop. I am able to knit the socks quickly now that I have the overall pattern in my head. 


    Though we have only had one day of the heat wave, it was brutal. The temperature went up quickly all day long. The humidity made it hard to do things quickly and we noticed we were pacing ourselves early in the day. On the up side, this heat wave is to end on Friday. 

    I had a quick look at the yard yesterday morning. I am proud of how it looks and how much was done before the end of June. I am grateful that grandson came to help me finish up. I know that I can keep up with the yard work this summer. Next year I would like to do some more projects. 

    Now that I can slow down outside, I will be doing more housework inside. I have started a list of what I need to do. I also will be eating less as I will not be doing a lot of heavy work. I also need to start doing yoga again. 

    I watched episode 2 of Muster Dogs and I enjoyed it immensely. It is amazing how the dogs are learning quickly. They showed the first set of skills the dogs had to be able to do. Some did well and others had issues. I will watch episode 3 tonight. 


I am off to the hospital for blood work. I am drinking lots of water so I have nice veins for the technician. Once done I am home to eat and then off to have the car looked at. I will try to get zippers today. I would like to sew this afternoon if I am not too tired and then knit tonight. 

Until the next time.................................................................

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