Friday, June 14, 2024

A Bloody Mess From A Pin

 Yesterday was warm and muggy. We had a short but good shower at 4 pm. The high got to 25.5C (humidex 29C). This morning it is clear and 14C. Today is to be mainly sunny with a high of 26C with a humidex of 29C. 


I had a busy morning. I went out and weeded for 10 minutes to see if the Dutch hoe will work on the road side of the hedge. It does help some. Once back inside, I went about making potato salad and devilled eggs for dinner tonight. I did clean up my mess and was done by noon. 

My hip continues to improve though it does get tired when I stand for too long. Part of the flare up is having the to cope with the tiredness in that area. I haven't taken any pain medication as I am doing well without it. 

In the afternoon, I took the empty compost bin out to the back, sprayed bleach cleaner into it, let it sit while I weeded the side of the house and then sprayed it clean. It doesn't look like new but it is much cleaner than it was. 

In the late afternoon, two boys across the street set up a music stand and played their instruments. They are doing quite well. They went inside when it started to rain. It rained enough that I didn't have to water the plants. But, today I have to plant a few more bean seeds. A cat came and dug in that box. I will put cayenne pepper in that box also to keep said cat out of the garden for a while. 


I sewed in the afternoon. I cut out the lining for the wine bottle bags and got them sewn ready to put in. I got the first one pinned in place and was sewing around the top when a pin stabbed me. I had blood everywhere. I finished the bag and brought it upstairs to soak in cold water. That took care of the blood. It is now dry ready for me to starch and press. No pictures of it. 

That ended my sewing for the day. I will be basting the linings in place for the remaining two bags as I don't want to have blood on them. 


I knit 10 rounds on the sock before my hands started to cramp up. 


I need to get the tires torqued, deliver potato salad and devilled eggs to family and do some laundry. I want to spray weeds and get that job done. I hope to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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