Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Busy Day

 Yesterday was hot. The high got to 33.1C (humidex 40C) which means 91.4F (humidex 108F). This morning it is cloudy and 21C (humidex 25C). We are to have a mix of sun, clouds, and rain with a high of 28C. 

We broke the high temperature yesterday but not the day before. Our high on Wednesday was .3C lower than the record. The meteorologist for CBC stated we were under a heat dome for the past 2 days. This hot spell is over and here is hoping we have showers on Sunday. 


I was out early to water the vegetables. They are growing rapidly which amazes me due to the heat. I didn't do the flowers as they were still wet. Once done, I was out to the hospital to have blood taken for my 6 month check up. That was done without any issues. Don't know why but my body didn't react to it this time. 

I went to New Minas after I ate breakfast and took the car in to see why the check engine light was on. They changed the gas cap and cleared the system so the light won't come on when I start it. I now need to fill the car up with gas and see what happens. It is only then that we will know if the gas cap was faulty or if they need to search deeper for the problem. 

I had a short nap after lunch due to the heat. I also feel slightly depressed having all the curtains closed. As it is cloudy this morning, I have some of the curtains opened and if it remains cloudy, the rest will be opened. I need to see outside and have a bit more brightness in the house. 


I went to the big craft store in New Minas prior to taking the car in and got 2 white zippers for cushion covers.

I did sew for a couple of hours yesterday. I got a cushion cover ready to sew the binding on it. I followed the instructions to make the flap from the YouTube video I had found. It was quite easy to do. I did mark a line on the zipper as to where I was to stitch and I think I will make it closer to the teeth the next time. 

I cut out and made the binding and I am now ready to sew it on and hand stitch it down. 

If this pattern works out, I will take the other cushion cover apart and remake it. Both will be sold at the craft bazaar. 


I knit on the socks while the car was in the shop being looked at. I am almost done the gusset. I had to stop as the sun was shining through the huge windows heating up the building. The a/c was not quite keeping up. I did not knit last night as I was tired.


    The heat wave is over with. It was brutal as the temperatures rose quickly starting at about 9 am. The humidity was horrible. I had to go out a couple of times in the afternoon for 3-5 minutes and it was stifling with the heat and humidity. Seeing the humidity roll in was interesting as it looks like mist coming in off the water. 

    I am done with appointments until Tuesday so I am going to spend time cleaning the house, go back to my good eating habits, and enjoy my time to sew and knit. I have been rushing around to get yard work done and get to appointments. I have neglected the house, eating poorly, and rushing to keep up on sewing and knitting. I have been stressed to say the least. 

    I rolled over in bed this morning and had a loud crack. My SI joint seated and there is only muscle pain. It will go if the joint stays in place. It was what I needed to have happen as I have been sore the past few days. 

    I was told that the wood ticks are really bad this year. The lab technician said that a lot of people in our area have been  tested to see if they have Lymes Disease or not. I will have the doctor look at my ear and see if the tick bit me or not. It isn't sore or hot to the touch so I may have been lucky. 


I am going to focus on the kitchen today. I need to move freezer meals to the basement freezer, clean up the fridge, and get all the surfaces wiped and shining again. I want to sweep and mop the floor. I also need to water the flowers and vegetables this morning and do laundry. This afternoon I want to finish the pillow and knit tonight. I plan on being busy at home today. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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