Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Snow Ball Fight Fabric Is All Sewn

 Yesterday was cloudy and wet. About 1/2" rain fell and the high got to 17C. This morning it is sunny and 9C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 20C. 


With grandson's school having awards day, I decided to watch it on YouTube and clean the living room at the same time. I did a great job of the living room cleaning up everything and getting the floor mopped. It was dusty and the floor was dirty. Passed due for a cleaning. 

The awards ceremony was interesting. The top student in each grade had the same percentage average (97%). There were lots of honour pins (85% and higher) and service pins given out. About 50% of the service pins given out were bronze with the other 50% being silver and gold. There are a lot of other awards given out. Grandson got his honours and bronze service pins this year. He is focusing on studies and other things that will be useful when applying to universities this summer/fall. With his soccer training, it is all he is able to focus on. 

In the late afternoon I watched the school's graduating ceremonies. It is very different to regular high school graduation. Each student is given a few of minutes of glory when they walk across the stage -- honour and service pins, their accomplishments at school, awards they earned, and where they will be attending university in the fall and what they will be taking. This year's grad class had one person going to take his red seal in mechanics which is not the norm. Most of the students are attending universities in Nova Scotia or Ontario. In previous years it was more spread out. Four students got full scholarships, two are going to play sports professionally, one is going to attend the prestigious medical school in Halifax and another is going to attend another university's medical program, and one is going into the armed forces with a special scholarship. 

It was interesting to note that only about 20% of the students took the International Baccalaureate program which is rigorous. Most of the students excelled in cadets, sports, and the arts. The majority of them got their honours pin. I am certain most did the regular program due to the fact they were planning on attending universities in Canada. I wait and see what next year brings as grandson will be graduating. 


I spent most of the afternoon in the sewing room. My goal was to embroider the mug rugs which I did accomplish. 

The second snowball fight mug rug was completed and the pair are cute. They are in the bag to go up to the quilt shop. 

The snowball fight fabric is now sewn up except for a fat quarter of the plaid. I will probably make piping out of it for daughter.

The other pair were cardinals from the left over fabric from the cardinal quilt. 

They are ready to be put into the craft bazaar tub. 

Once done, I looked for the zippers for the cushion covers I am going to make next. I have one zipper not 2 like I had thought I had. I will get another zipper on Tuesday. Once they are completed, I will be back to doing doll clothes and the beginner's quilt. 


As it was cool inside, I took advantage of it and knit a lot of rounds on the sock. I should be finished it in the next couple of days. 

Then it will be back to the light coloured socks. 


    We are to have it hot for three days this week. I am not looking forward to it but will keep up with the watering and stay indoors during the hottest part of the day. I will have to run the heat pumps on a/c as the nights are going to be quite warm. Not looking forward to this heat wave. 

    I am finding out that when I keep moving, I have less pain in my right side. Sitting too long makes it sorer. It is mainly the SI joint and the muscles that are bothersome. I am doing much better than before but this soreness is not what I want to put up with. Maybe it will calm down once I get the hedge weeded (can I blame the hedge?)


I need to do the balance sheet and then head out to weed the hedge. I want to sew on the one cushion cover this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................................

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