Tuesday, June 04, 2024

The Garden is Planted

 Though yesterday looked cool and was windy, the high got to 17.2C. This morning it is cloudy, windy and 12C. Today we are to have clouds, sunshine, and a high of 18C.


Yesterday morning I cleaned the spare bedroom. That means dealing with the cat litter and the mess Elliott makes. I swept, vacuumed, cleaned, mopped, and got the room looking good. Then I swept and mopped the hall. These two areas get more cleaning than the rest of the house. 

Once done, I was out the door to the tire shop. The tires are in and will be put on the car on Friday morning. Then it was off to get groceries. Once home, I put the groceries away and had lunch. The morning disappeared in a wink (or so it seemed). 

Late in the afternoon, I was out to plant seeds. While getting everything ready, I found the pelleted carrot seeds and discovered I had no bean seeds. I planted the peas and cucumbers and then headed out to get bean seeds. Those were planted also. Everything was watered and I discovered the bok choy is up. Teeny tiny but up. I will replant the carrots later this week to make sure we have lots of carrots. I can thin them if necessary. I know I will have to order seeds for next year as I am almost out of seeds. 

I also watered the flower pots and need to buy more petunias. The little ones I bought are not doing well thanks to the cold and the wind. The big ones I bought are thriving. I need to get more petunias so there is a trip to New Minas for them. 


I took a few minutes in the morning to check on the mistake in the cross hatching of the first side panel. I had missed a row. After lunch I took about 3" of the seam out, drew in the line, stitched it, pressed out the markings, and stitched up the seam. Less work than anticipated. 

The second side panel was cross hatched and sewn to the center panel. Since I have lots of fabric, I moved the fabric so the print did not flow across the front. They are staggered. 

I drew lines on the fabric as to where I will cut the excess off. There will be a panel at the top which will have piping on it. The bottom panel is the base of the bag. It will not have piping on it. 

The side panel for the other side was cross hatched and sewn to the center panel. 

At this time, I had to stop and plant seeds. I did get quite a bit done yesterday afternoon. There is still a lot of cross hatching to do as the bottom and top pieces will be done. 

I did some calculations on fabric in and out as I thought I had bought a lot of fabric this year. It wasn't the case. 

Bought - 14.65 meters 

Given - 12.5 meters 

Total 27.15 meters in.

Some of the fabric I bought was panic buying but I am happy I got it as most of the fabric is gone or in the remnant bin. The fabric I was given is slated to be sewn this year. Some of it was for the dog quilt which is at the long arm quilter. 

I also wondered about how much I have sewn this year. 

Donated - 13 meters

Sewn - 19.55 meters

Total 32.55 meters out.

A lot of my projects have used smaller amounts of fabric. The cardinal quilt took a long time to make and while I worked on it, I only made small items.

Doing this activity made me stop and think -- I need to continue sewing what I have and only buy what I need to finish a project. 

In the midst of all this thinking, daughter has informed me she is sending me a box of fabric -- fat quarters and half meter pieces. I will selectively pick out a few pieces, let my friend choose what she wants and give the rest to her quilting group for their charity quilts. 


I finished decreasing for the gusset and weighed the yarn. I have 90 grams left of which 55 grams is for the second sock. I may be able to make the first sock out of the remaining 45 grams. I then knit on the foot and did 15 rounds. 


This morning I am doing food prep for the freezer. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. A very simple day for me. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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