Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Busy Day Inside and Outside

 Yesterday was hot and muggy. There was lots of sunshine and a hot wind. The high got to 28.4C (humidex 33C). This morning it is cloudy and 16C. Today is suppose to be wet (1/2 - 1" of rain) with a high of 19C. We could have a thunderstorm this morning. 


I was out the door just after the last bus stopped. It was weed spraying day. I did up the depth of the property (90 ft) and it was really needed. Once it was done, I weed whacked the grass in the ditch. It was 3 feet tall and very healthy. I got out the old big clippers and cut down some weeds in the bottom of the ditch. I will have to keep trimming the ditch but it will be easy now that it has been done. 

I was out the door to deliver potato salad and devilled eggs to family. Grandson is going to help me weed under the hedge. He will also stack up the old edging from the hedge so it can be used in another area next year. I hope we can have it done before he goes away for a few days. 

Before dinner, I watered the garden, planted bean seeds, transplanted bok choy plants, and put cayenne pepper out on the soil. 

There are about 25 plants in empty spots in the boxes. All are healthy looking as I watered them well and they were in the shade an hour after transplanted. I will plant more seeds mid July so we can have 2 crops this year. 


I did sew yesterday afternoon. The first job was to finish the wine bottle bag I had to soak blood out of. It was pressed and played with to get the right ribbon on it. I finally chose red rick rack. 

I put it with the bag as it is going up to the quilt shop. 

I basted the lining into the other 2 wine bottle bags, sewed them together, turned them right side out, and pressed them. Then it was basting the top down for top stitching. The openings were hands sewn shut and the bags pressed. 

I then set up the machine to do embroidery and made one mug rug. 

While I was prepping it, Elliott joined me. After roaming the room, he settled down for a nap. 

He came upstairs about an hour after I left. He does love sleeping on that chair. 


I knit a lot last night. I finished the gusset and got 11 rounds done on the foot. 

I am heading towards the end of this sock. 


    I had quite a bit of pain yesterday. Probably from outside work that had to be done. It was bad enough that I had problems getting comfortable in bed. I did a lot of stretches and finally got a crack. The SI joint seated back into place and most of the pain disappeared. This morning I am dealing with sore muscles which is normal after the SI joint seats itself. Moving about will help.

    It will be nice to have grandson help me with the hedge. I will work in the mornings while it is cool. Hopefully he will come in the mornings so he can be home during the hot part of the day. Once the hedge is done, then I can Dutch hoe the few weeds that will show up once every 10 days. It will be the same with the ditch. I know I can keep up on both of them myself. 

    The items I cut out are being sewn up quickly. I will be able to clean the sewing room one afternoon and then work on other projects. We have two very hot afternoons this coming week which I will work on the dog quilt in the family room. I can turn on the a/c to keep cool. The sewing room stays quite cool which is nice and the heat pump does its job both heating and cooling the room when needed. 


With rain coming, I will be cleaning the house. It needs it as I have been outside so much. This afternoon I will sew and I will knit tonight. The TV will be on so I can listen to the closing ceremonies at grandson's school. I can watch it when necessary otherwise I will listen to it. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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