Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Bag Is Finished

 Yesterday was sunny and warm with a high of 23C. It did cloud over in the late afternoon with a few drops of rain. This morning it is partly cloudy and 12C. Today is suppose to be mix of sun and clouds with a possible thunderstorm this afternoon. The high is to get to 23C with a humidex of 27C. 


As it was cool outside, I headed out early and started to work on the hedge. I used the Dutch hoe to weed and it was a big help. I then sat down and cleaned up the mess, pulled weeds, and trimmed out dead branches. I think I did 5 or 6 shrubs on the house side. I cleaned up and started to remove the weed cloth on the road side. I got 2 shrubs done on that side and called it a day. I had been outside for 90 minutes. I find removing the weed cloth hard work and will tackle the rest of that area next time. 

I was out to water the plants before dinner. I may have to replant 2 cucumber plants. The peas and beans are looking okay though they may need a few seeds put in also. The rest of the vegetables are growing rapidly. The grape tomato buds are now blooming. 

I used the bbq last night to make a hamburger. It was delicious and I look forward to barbecuing more this summer. 


I spent a bit of time before lunch sewing the lining to the bag. After lunch I finished it and gave it a good pressing. 

It is ready to go up to the quilt shop next week. I am happy it is done and will not be doing this idea again. It is way too much work. 

I spent some time cutting out wine bottle bags and mug rugs from the left over snowball fight fabric. I then cut out 2 cushion covers and mug rugs from left over cardinal fabric. I have a bunch of easy projects to sew. 

The nice thing about these projects -- no thread change as all can be sewn with grey thread. 

The quilt shop phoned and the dog quilt is ready for pick up. Binding it is now on the to do list. I can sit and relax while hand sewing. A project to do when it is too hot to work outside. 


I knit on the socks last night and got the heel flap completed and the heel turned. 

Next is to pick up the gusset stitches and start knitting it. This sock could be done by the middle of next week. 


I have physio early this morning and may go up to get the dog quilt and some interfacing. I used 2 meters when sewing the bag. I want to sew on the simple projects this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time............................................................... 

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