Saturday, June 22, 2024

Beautiful Red Roses

 Yesterday was cooler with lots of sunshine and a high of 26.9C.  This morning it is somewhat cloudy and 14C. The sky was a brilliant pink at 5:30 am which means rain is coming. Today is to be mainly cloudy and 23C. 


My first job was to water the garden. When I took a container of water out for the rose bush, I was greeted with this sight. 

The blooms were tight buds on Wednesday. I loved this bud when I looked at all the flowers. 

Once I had watered the garden, I cleaned the kitchen. I moved a lot of chicken broth from the fridge freezer to the basement freezer and got both the fridge and freezers organized. After that it was clean, clean, clean. I ended the session washing the floor. 

After a short rest, I cleaned up the litter box area in the spare bedroom. It wasn't as bad as anticipated. I had it done rather quickly. My next job was to pick the roses and bring them into the house. I cut long stems so they would look nice in a bigger vase. 

I also cut the scapes from the garlic and put them in the fridge. My last job of the morning was to fold the laundry. I had done 2 loads and had part of a third load that I did when weeding the hedge. It was done before noon and put away a bit later on. It felt so good having done a lot of cleaning yesterday morning. 

I went back to eating properly yesterday. I tracked everything I ate as I have gained weight. I need to loose 5 - 7 lbs. That can be done with portion control and keeping busy. I did well yesterday so I know I can do it. My goal is to have it off mid August. 

My hip hurt less yesterday though the muscles rebelled when they got tired. I did rest to help them recover and sat on the magic bag last night. I am hoping that things will remain stable with the SI joint and I can do things with a lot less pain this summer. 


I sewed the binding on to the cushion cover and got 75% of the binding hand sewn down. 

If the zipper flap works on this cushion cover, I will take the other one apart and redo it in July. Right now I have other items to work on when this is done. 


I did knit on the sock last night and am just over half done the foot. 

I need to weigh the yarn tonight as I may have to buy another skein of yarn. I am hoping not as I want to buy other yarn to knit into socks. 

I have a lot of left over sock yarn and once I get the Christmas socks knit, I am going to knit sweaters for the Gotz dolls. All will be short sleeved and can be made from the small amounts of yarn.


    I have my fingers crossed that we get rain tomorrow. Everything is so dry. The lawn is going dormant and looks ugly. I have to make sure I water the vegetables and flowers daily. The one thing I am happy is that I don't have a lot of landscaping that requires a lot of daily care. My landscaping is minimalist which is great in this heat. 

    The vegetables are growing rapidly. I can't believe how much they grow daily. All the tomatoes have blooms on them. The peppers have buds which will open in the next week. The peas and beans seem to have doubled in size as has the bok choy and cucumbers. I will need to thin carrots late next week as they are growing rapidly. I pick at the weeds when I water so they are basically under control. We could have a lot of vegetables this year. The flowers are growing well though the heat did set them back a bit. I do dead head on a daily basis which keeps the plants blooming. 

    As I have the freezer organized, I need to do inventory and start meal planning. It will help me use up what I have in the freezer and to loose weight. I need to also track what I eat as I have some high point foods to use up. That means light lunches so I can have the high point foods for dinner. I will not be buying some of the items again. Lesson learned. 


I have to water the garden and clean the bathroom this morning. If I have time, I will start cleaning the stairs and front entry. I want to finish the cushion cover. I am leaving at 3:15 pm to watch grandson play soccer in Wolfville. Hopefully I can knit a bit tonight. 

Until the next time.....................................................

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