Monday, June 24, 2024

Progress Made on All Fronts

 Yesterday started out a bit sunny and then it grew dark and cloudy. It rained good in the afternoon. The high got to 24.1C. This morning it is cloudy and 21C (humidex 29C). Today we are to have showers and thundershowers with a high of 21C (humidex 28C).


I did the balance sheet yesterday morning with only one mistake which was easy to find and correct. It is hard to believe that yesterday we were 75% of the way through the month. I am doing well with my spending again this month. 

I was then outside to give the vegetables a light watering. I picked weeds as I watered. When checking the tomatoes, I have a couple more grape tomatoes and a beefsteak tomato. Everything is growing rapidly, I notice it every morning when I go out to water. 

Inside, I swept the living room, hall, kitchen and bathroom floors. I also cleared off and washed the dining table. It was then time to leave for a craft sale. I felt like I had accomplished a lot in a couple of hours. 

Though it was dark and dull during the afternoon, I was excited to see the rain. Everything needed it. The first rain fall gave us about 1/8" rain before it stopped. It was great as it allowed the moisture to soak into the ground. It rained again in the evening and during the night. The downside at night was how humid it got. I did have a poor night's sleep as I didn't have the a/c on. 

I have ate well the past 3 days and have lost 2.1 lbs. I am pleased with that. I am tracking my food, eating healthy, and moving around the house as much as I can. I will continue with my plans so I can loose the weight I gained. 


I decided it was time to trace out the palazzo pants I had designed, add the seam allowances, and make them. I had to stop and do some thinking but they are ready to have the waistband put on. 

I am very pleased with the fit as this is one of my chunkier dolls. Once the waistband is on, I only have the inside seam and hems left to sew and then add a fastener to the waist. The pattern is a success for my use. 

There is enough fabric left over to make a top. I will design it next. I want it to be sleeveless and will add a yoke to the front. I want to line it with white broadcloth. I need to watch some videos on how to draft the yoke. 

I ended my time in the sewing room by gluing flowers onto a hat for the Lady Lilly dress. It was quite the job with me holding the flowers in place while the glue set enough so the flowers didn't fall off. I did not use the tulle as it wasn't cooperating with me. I may have had more problems with the flowers if I used it. 

I love the flowers I bought. This hat can be worn with other outfits. 

As the glue wasn't dry, I didn't put the hat on Kit properly. I will do pictures of it on her today. Overall, happy with what I accomplished. 


I went to the craft sale to get yarn. I won't be buying again for several months so needed to get yarn for more socks. I bought this yarn for daughter-in-law's socks. It is dyed by a lady in the Halifax area and we love their yarn. I love the colorway "Nerds on Wheels". It is died for the seller whose colours are purple and her shop is in a work trailer. 

I also bought myself yarn for socks. This is from another artist in Halifax and she does some wonderful colour ways. I chose Fogo Island colour way which is after an island in Newfoundland. 

Two skeins were my limit until I saw this work sock yarn. I was over the moon as I love to knit daughter work socks. I chose the traditional colour way for the first pair. Bonus - a free pattern. All of the yarn is for Christmas presents. I will put mine into a gift bag to put under the tree from Elliott. 

I finished the first sock last night and love how it looks. 

I have cast on and started the second sock. 

When thinking, I finished my socks, knit a pair for grandson, and knit one sock since my last visit to the yarn shop on May 8. I did buy one skein to finish grandson's socks but didn't need it. I will knit a pair from it this winter. I am finding that the more I knit socks, the faster I can go as I don't need to review videos on certain parts. 

When these socks are done, I will finish knitting the doll's sweater and the two hats I have to make longer. Then back to sock knitting. 


I have planned to wash bedding and clean the dining room. I will mop the living room floor when I do the dining room. I also want to do the freezer inventory. This afternoon I will finish the doll's pants and then do some pattern drafting. Tonight I will knit on the socks. It is a stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time......................................................

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