Saturday, September 07, 2024

Strawberry Shortcake Bodice Completed

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 22C (humidex 26C). This morning it is raining and 17C. We are to have rain and a high of 22C (humidex 30C) today. 


I spent two hours outside. I picked peppers and pulled out the plants that won't be producing. I picked cucumbers and pulled out those plants. The cages I used were put away into the shed. Next up I started to pull flowers from the tubs and got all the tubs but 2 done. One is the Gerber daisy that is blooming and the other has dahlias that are in bud. The flower pots were emptied into the vegetable boxes and put away in the shed. 

At this time I was tired but needed to work a bit in the shed getting the shelving units tidied up. I did that and then got the hose put away.  Next was taking the chairs off the deck and putting them away. I rolled up the rug and got the tub and container for the pond got them into their spots in the shed. My last job was to put away the deck umbrella. When done, I loaded up the wagon and took the bag of weeds, tub of vegetables and two other items to the garage. I have one more  day out in the yard to finish up. Then it will be fertilizing the boxes and planting garlic. 

I was tired and my hip hurt so I decided to rest until I realized my phone was missing. I started looking in the house and found it under some papers on the table. I then rested until lunch. 

I have been playing with the fridge as I was not sure if the water line was on or off. The ice maker works as I have some ice in it. No ice was made during the night so I pulled the fridge out and turned the tap to what I think is on. I unplugged the fridge for 20 minutes and washed the floor behind the fridge. It is on and pushed back in so I wait and see what happens. I want ice for my water. 


I worked on the Strawberry Shortcake outer dress yesterday. I was very careful making sure I am doing a neat job on it. I pinned, hand basted, pressed, and got the bodice done. 

I have been playing with the Christmas fabrics and getting some inspiration for how I am going to sew them. My first pairing was this fabric. 

I am thinking of either red or green narrow strip between the print and the grey. Items will be gift and wine bags, mug rugs, and maybe a Santa sack. I have a meter of the print and .4 meter of the grey. I just need to find fabric for the lining. I will sew this fabric up before I start on another pairing. This fabric won't be touched for a few days as I have other projects to complete first. 


I got the second sock leg knit last night. 

I am ready to start the heel flap. These socks are just too much fun to knit. 


    My hip hurt like crazy yesterday. Not so much the muscles but I think something wasn't seated correctly. I did some exercises in bed during the night and it is much better this morning. I have been doing a lot lately and not resting as much as I may have needed to. I will be doing less this weekend. 

    I was amazed at how much the grass has grown in the past week. The person who mows my lawns was in yesterday and was amazed also. He basically mowed the lawn twice to get it looking even. The last application of fertilizer and the rain afterwards gave the lawn a growth spurt. I am sure it will be long by next weekend. 

    A quick check on the amount of rain that has fallen says a little over 3/4" has fallen. It is raining steadily but not as heavy as anticipated. That can change in a minute with these storms. At least the moisture is able to soak into the ground and not run off. We need the moisture in the ground as it is getting a bit on the dry side. 


The plan is to do some laundry and clean up the kitchen. It is dusty from all the fridge antics. I would like to get the little fridge emptied out today also. I want to sew on the doll's dress this afternoon and knit tonight. I am not pushing myself today as my hip needs to rest. 

Until the next time......................................................................

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