Friday, September 27, 2024

Stretch, Crack, Repeat

 Yesterday was another day of sun and clouds with a high of 18C. This morning it is cloudy, damp, and 13C. Today it is suppose to rain this morning and shower this afternoon. The high is to get to 18C. 


I was at it early freezing corn. I had it done and the cobs in the freezer mid morning. I then did a load of laundry which needs to be folded. 

I sat on the heating pad some during the morning as my SI joint was still sore. I got it to crack again in the late afternoon and then again this morning in bed. It is being stubborn this time and I can feel it. I will keep at it and will have to start yoga soon to help keep it in place. 

I was out in the afternoon to fertilize the vegetable boxes. There is another garlic or two coming up. Up to 7 or 8 now. I will be planting the white and elephant garlic in the next week or 2 and then covering it with burlap for the winter. 

I looked at the Spousal Unit's rose at the back of the shed. It is a good 6 feet tall and still blooming. I need to grab the pruning sheers and cut off the dead blooms. I can touch it until after we have a good frost. I will then trim it back good so it can go crazy next year. 


I put the zipper in the dress yesterday. I cut it to 5" and it should have been 6" as it has a higher neckline. I am going to trim the neckline down on the pattern for the next time I want to make it. The dress is done and on the doll. I sprayed it with water (makes it heavier) and left it so it will stretch out before I hem it. No pictures of it yesterday. 

I cut out the doll's quilt. I thought 2 quilts but only one. 

I will be moving the darker blocks around so they go diagonally in a row in the middle. It will give it some definition. I have left over scraps to make a pillow and pillow case. 

I cut out all the binding for the two quilts and will use the left over fabric for the backing on the doll's quilt and the pillow case. By the time I am finished, there will be very few scraps left from the 4 meters of fabric I had bought last year. Hurrah to sewing it up. 


I knit on the socks last night and am almost done the leg of the sock. 


    I am happy that my SI joint is settling down once again. It has certainly limited what I can do each day. I am stretching several times a day after applying heat which is helping. It is funny that I am having more problems with it than with my hip joint. 

    My hope is to start in the spare room tomorrow. I will start slow by wiping walls and patching the bad spots on the two walls I will paint first. I know that I will have issues if I do too much so am trying to build up once again to doing 2 hours at a time with rest days every couple of days. 

    I was going to give away all the items I had made for the room as I thought it wasn't what I wanted. I am just going to tone it down a bit and see if I like it more. It may be fine once the room is painted grey as I feel like the blues are clashing with the tan colour. I need to get white sheets and duvet cover for the bed. We wait and see if it looks better once the room is done. 


I am heading out to New Minas with daughter-in-law this morning. I am just going for the ride as I need nothing. This afternoon I am going to do paper crafts for a break. Tonight I will knit on the socks. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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