Saturday, September 14, 2024

Doll's Quilt is Completed

 Yesterday was another nice day with a lot of sunshine and a high of 24C (humidex 28C). This morning there is a mix of sun and clouds and 14C. Seems like we had another shower during the night. Today is mainly sunny with a high of 19C. 


Though I lacked energy, I did sand the walls in the hall and added more compound to areas. I left it to dry and cleaned up that area. I did 2 loads of laundry that still needs to be folded. I also did a bit of clean up in the kitchen and called it a day. I was tired and rested. 

I was out to family's for dinner, which was delicious. After dinner we headed out to the hall and set up tables for dinner tonight. We put on table clothes, flatware, cups, etc so it didn't have to be done today. Son cut the meat with the worst electric knife. Great for cutting sandwiches, horrid to cut meat. We laughed while we worked and were done in 40 minutes. 

I came home when done and crashed. I did watch two historical videos about baby farming. One was here in Nova Scotia about an hours drive from us. I was told (not documented) that my cousin was born at that place and my aunt and uncle "bought" him. What that place is well know for is the "butter boxes" they buried infants in which were gotten 2nd hand from a creamery not far from that location. The stories are sad even though my cousin had a wonderful life. Many babies didn't due to neglect and unsanitary conditions. 


I was down to finish the quilt before lunch. It looks good and one of the dolls will like it. 

After lunch I made a pillow and pillow case to go with the quilt. I had no cat fabric left as I was using up the scraps of fabric. 

It looks good as a set. 

It has been folded up and put away. I will need to buy a tub so it can be stored. 

Next project is piping for daughter. I'm working on the to-do list. 

I did print out a pattern to make a basic dress on the bias for one of the dolls. I found a piece of chambray as it is light weight and should drape nicely on the bias. It is on the table to make after the to-do list is completed. 


I think I knit a total of 2 or 3 rounds on the socks last night before I put it away due to being so tired. I wasn't going to chance finding mistake and have to unknit a lot of rounds. 


I am going to sand and wipe down the hall walls and start painting. I also want to fold laundry and put it away. I will sew piping this afternoon and knit tonight. I need to water the lawn this afternoon also even though we have had showers the last two nights. I am going to pace myself so I don't get too tired today. 

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