Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Fiddly Sewing At Its Best

Though yesterday was to be mainly cloudy, it turned out to be a sunny day. The high got to 18C. This morning it is clear and 13C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 22C.


I did the balance sheet first thing and got August balanced. I paid the bills. It was nice to have the job done in good time. 

While doing the balance sheet, I got a phone call and there is a person coming to look at the fridge this morning. It will be nice to know if it can be repaired or if I need a new fridge. 

I did a bit of housework and hung the picture back above the server. 

It looks way better in real life. The brightness of the sun was messing with me taking pictures. I hauled out the central vacuum hose and vacuumed the floors. The floors are free of all dust that I seem to miss when sweeping and dry mopping. I will have to haul it out more often as I can do it without my backing hurting. While vacuuming floors, I stopped and folded 3 loads of laundry as the baskets were in the way. 

Once the house was tidy, I headed outside and pulled the beans so that box is now ready for winter. I picked 2 Hungarian cheese peppers and 3 carrots. I don't think the carrots are going to be as good as last year. I cooked them for dinner and they tasted really nice and sweet.

I need to pick peppers and tomatoes as they are ready. Then those boxes can be cleaned up ready for winter. All that will be left is cucumbers, leeks, and carrots. 

Elliott was in a funny mood last night. He wanted cuddling but he was also wanting to bite me. I finally got him settled with a blanket on him. It wasn't from the lack of naps as he had slept a lot yesterday. He just laid there fully relaxed. 


I sewed yesterday on the Strawberry Shortcake outer dress. I got the bodice lining done as per the instructions. The outer bodice had the shoulder seams sewn and pressed. It was time to tackle the sleeves. 

I gathered the ruching strip and got it onto the sleeve nicely. That took a long time. I then gathered the ruching strip at the bottom and sewed on the sleeve band. Another lengthly job. The sleeves are now ready to have the side seams serged. 

When I look at how little I got sewn, I was amazed at how long it took. This is fiddly sewing at it finest. 

I ended my sewing time starching the border fabric for the Scandinavian Winter quilt. It is on the drying rack to press and cut today.


I did knit last night and got the leg done on the first sock. I am loving how it is striping so nicely. 

It is so much fun watching how the stripes are taking shape. They will be fun socks for grandson to wear. 


    I had a great day with no headache. I am sure it was a combination of hot tub and humidity/heat. Here is hoping we have little to no humidity (humidex) until next year. I did enjoy the cool weather yesterday. It was nice to have windows open all day and the house smelled so fresh and clean. 

    The fridge just had a huge groan and a motor (compressor) is running quite noisy. As per usual, when I threaten an appliance and have someone come and look at it, it works perfectly the day they come. I wonder if something was stuck and is now unstuck. We wait and see what the repair man has to say. As I type, the noise has diminished and the motor is running properly now. 

    I looked at the Christmas fabric yesterday and did a pairing for a couple of bags. I ended up putting it away as I need to focus on what I have planned for now. At the rate I am sewing, I will be able to add in a few other projects towards the end of the month. 


After the repair man comes, I have to go grocery shopping for a few things. I can only buy limited amounts for the fridge which is the only annoying part of not having the big fridge. I want to cut out the borders for the quilt and start sewing them on. Tonight I will work on the leg of the other sock. The only big job today is to put out the recycling for pick up tomorrow. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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