Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Simple Quilt Top Completed

 Yesterday was mainly sunny with a high of 18C. This morning it is cloudy and 12C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 19C.


I did the balance sheet yesterday and all went well. Balanced on the first try. 

Once done the balance sheet, I worked in the spare bedroom. I took out all of the pillows, knick knacks, and table coverings. I shook out the dust from each one and polished the furniture. I vacuumed the floor and moved furniture around. The room is ready for me to wipe the walls and patch. 

When done that room, I vacuumed the rest of upstairs. The floors are dirty and need a good mopping but all my sore hip could stand was the vacuuming. It was good to get that part done. 

I did grocery shopping getting a few things I need. When putting items into the fridge freezer, I noticed a layer of ice in the bottom of the freezer. I need to haul everything out of the fridge and defrost it AGAIN!! I will be doing that this weekend so it can be done before the repair person comes. I am starting to wonder if it is me or the fridge. 

Late in the afternoon, I put the garden hoses into the shed. My friend stopped in after walking her dog for a short visit. I grabbed a couple of fizzy drinks and we went to her place as her dog needed feeding. We had an enjoyable visit and we are heading out today to shop for an hour. 


I worked on the quilt and got it finished. I did have to rip out some seams to fix them but I am very pleased with how it looks. 

It needs a good pressing before I take it up to the long arm quilter in late October. Right now I will fold it and put it away. 

It is a simple quilt but I like how it looks. I really don't care what others think because it was fun and easy to make. 


I got the yarn wound for the work socks. The mini skein (red) is not the best as it is so small. 

I was so excited that I cast on the white yarn and proceeded to get the cuff completed plus several rows on the leg. 

The yarn is very soft and lovely to knit. As it is a heavier yarn, the socks grow in length very quickly. These are going to be a lot of fun to knit. 

Yes, I need to order yarn to finish the Christmas socks. I am going to order yarn to make me a pair also. I did look at the sock yarn I have, and I have 6 pairs of socks to make which is going to keep me busy as winter. 


    My hip was sore yesterday. I could feel tight muscles when I rubbed areas. I am sure physio is going to "love" me today. I will keep moving as it does help as does putting heat on the sore spots. This will pass and is annoying me a lot.

    While putting the hoses away, I noticed that a lot of the grass seed has sprouted and is about 3 - 4" long. The watering, heavy dews, and cooler weather has been perfect for it. I will have to let the person who mows my lawns know he can come and do the lawn. 

    I am ready to start painting again. I will pace myself so I don't get over tired. I have a feeling the spare room, which is smaller, will take me almost 2 weeks to paint. I know I will need days off to rest and do other things in the house. 


I have physio at 7:30 am. When home, I will pick up my friend and we are going to New Minas. I have to get Elliott cat food, take the Scandinavian Winter quilt in to be long arm quilted, and then snoop shop for a bit. This afternoon, I want to sew on the bias dress for the dolls and I will knit tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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