Sunday, September 08, 2024

Ready For Buttonholes and Buttons

 Yesterday was one wet day. It rained and then it rained harder. But not flash flood hard. The wind did blow also. The high got to 19C with no humidex as was predicted. This morning it is 18C. Today is suppose to be cloudy and windy with some showers. The high is to get to 21C (humidex 28C). 


I am going to guess that we had 2.5 - 3" of rain yesterday. One weather station said 2.55". It was a lot of rain in 18 hours. 

Yesterday morning I decided to clean the kitchen. I cleaned behind the fridge and mopped it before I put the fridge back into its spot. I then washed as many surfaces as I could -- counter tops, cupboards and some walls. I pulled out the stove and cleaned behind it. I washed and polished the stainless steel appliances and wiped down the small appliances. I swept the floor and washed it good. It was dusty dirty from all the fridge antics. Not bad for a rest day. 

I did sit and rest once during the morning. Not that I had to but I chose to. I also stopped to put laundry into the dryer. All was done by noon with me making my bed in the late afternoon. 

I had an allergy attack while cleaning as the dust from under the fridge was affecting me. It has been giving me issues every day I play with it. I am hoping it is done as the fridge is working perfectly. The ice tray is full and the ice maker is turned off. The toe kick is back in place and all is good for quite a while. I am happy with not having to buy a new fridge and will take care of this one better. 

The little fridge is ready to unplug, defrost and clean. It was handy to have and will go to family's for them to use or for grandson to have at college. 


The afternoon was spent working on the outer dress of the Strawberry Shortcake outfit. I pinned, hand basted, serged, and sewed it together. When it was ready to hand sew, I sat in the family room and listened to videos.

Once done, I pressed it and put it on the doll. It fits quite nicely.

I have to do the button holes and sew on buttons to finish the dress. I also have a hat to make to complete the outfit. When done, I need to sweep the sewing room floor once again. 


I got the heel flap done on sock #1. I now need to turn the heel before I can start on sock #2.

I am a bit worried that I won't have enough of the red for the toes. I can order a mini skein from the company who does this yarn but I am hoping that I have enough. 

Timber Yarns has a fabulous collection of Christmas socks. I am hoping to get three sets to knit for next year. My favourite is Sooty Santa which I may have to knit for me. It is a good thing I knit socks all year round.  


I have to clean my bedroom and the spare room and grocery shop. If there is any time I want to do the button holes on the doll's dress. Tonight I want to knit on the socks. Another rest day as I need to get back to painting the hall this week. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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