Sunday, September 22, 2024

Keeping Busy

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 19C. This morning it is clear and 8C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 19C. Frost warning tonight, the first one this fall. 


It was a busy morning in my house. I got the carrots done in good time. I did 6 bags for a total of 9 bags this winter. I had taken 3 lbs of family's carrots to freeze for myself. 

During the morning, I also did some cleaning. I worked on the pantry while doing the carrots. It got organized once again and I need to buy nothing for it. I did an inventory so I know what I have.

Once the carrots were done, I headed downstairs with them and tidied up the freezer. That was one big job. It is completely organized but no inventory was done. Two things are clear:

    I don't need to make chicken broth/chicken soup for a long time. 

    The only freezer meals I have are spaghetti. I need to cook once again. 

It felt good having everything cleaned and organized. I'm ready to do leeks today. 

Last evening, I went over to our friends to sit in their covered porch. They put the fire on in the stove and it was lovely in there. We had a piece of birthday cake and something to drink. Lots of conversation which made for an enjoyable evening. 


I cut out the Swedish dress yesterday. It took about half of the fabric I bought for it. 

The rest of the fabric will be made into this top. 

I can see this pattern being used a lot when I have left over fabric.

I put away the fabric I had chosen for the Colonial Williamsburg outfit and chose this one instead. 

The pattern I am using is this one which was the featured pattern in Sewing With Cinnamon in July. 

The pattern is printed and ready for me to cut it out. I have it and a quilt to cut out. A bit later on, I will cut out 3 fabrics for piping.


I did knit on the socks before going over to the neighbours. I have 14 rows left and the foot will be completed. 

Time to order more yarn for the toes and socks yarn for winter knitting. 


    It is 2 years ago since the Spousal Unit passed away. I still miss him every day but it isn't painful like it was. I am more at peace now and ready to do things without feeling guilty about doing them. I have learned to be more patient, think through things more carefully, and to enjoy the small things in life. 

    I was quite proud of myself to get the freezer organized and some old items tossed into the garbage. It is nice to look in it and see what I have. I am thinking I will get some baskets to put some of there meat and frozen vegetables into. Doing this job was long overdue as was the pantry. It is off my to-do list thought I will try to keep up on having an inventory of what I have or looking at it prior to going shopping. 

    It will be nice to get back to painting. I am going to do the spare bedroom next and will be cleaning it up ready to paint this week. This means putting things away, wiping down walls and doing any necessary patching. When the preliminary work is done, I will be happily painting. 

    I am back to thinking about cleaning up more of the house and letting go of more items. I am looking mainly at the sewing room and crafting supplies. There is a bit of letting go upstairs but not as much. The main mess is the painting supplies which I am going to corral into a tub. 


I have to do some laundry, dig leeks and prep them to be blanched and frozen this afternoon. I want to do some pick up in the house as it has been neglected due to freezing carrots. I will not be sewing this afternoon but I plan on knitting tonight. If I have time, I will be winding the yarn for the next pair of socks. 

Until the next time.........................................................................

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