Monday, September 23, 2024

The Garden Is Harvested

 Yesterday was a sunny day with a high of 18C. This morning it is foggy and 10C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 19C. 


Yesterday morning I was out to dig the leeks. It was a job as they had huge root systems on them. I finally got the job done.

I went to two of the boxes to take apart the soil from the flower pots I had put away. In one were two little bean plants. 

In the box that had the garlic, there are 6 little garlic plants growing. I could only get these in one picture. 

I will be planting garlic in this box again it seems. 

I hauled the bag of leek tops to the garage so it can go out for pick up in 2 weeks. Once inside, I put the leeks into a sink of water so they could be washed. Daughter-in-law came over and we got them blanched and in bags to freeze. There were 3 bags for the freezer and enough for leek and potato soup for dinner. It was delicious and I have enough for lunch today. 

I was very sore last night and sat with enough heat on me to cook a roast. It did help and when I went to bed, I did some exercises and had 2 good cracks. My SI joint went back into place. It is still tender and stiff today but much less pain. 


I was in the sewing room to cut out the Colonial Williamsburg dress. Here is a peek at the cut out pieces I took when I was leaving the sewing room. I have the thread for it. I just need to look for the lace. 

I also cut out the next quilt. The three pieces were cut into 17.5" squares. I then sub cut them at an angle 4" in from the top and bottom. The pieces are pinned together ready to sew. Here are the combinations I got. 

It is going to be a fast quilt to make as there are 12 blocks to work with. I am getting excited to start this quilt as I know it will be done before I know it. 

There is enough fabric left over to make a doll's quilt for sure and maybe 2. I need to cut it out to see. 


The grinch socks are done to the toes. I now need to order yarn to finish them. 

I now need to wind yarn to make work socks for daughter. 


    Though I haven't painted in the past week, I certainly over did it doing other jobs. It was horrible yesterday and I knew I needed to put heat on my hip and do some exercises. Hopefully it will calm down so I can keep moving. It isn't the hip joint but the SI joint and the muscles. It actually felt like a flare up which I haven't had for quite some time. I will be pottering today and tomorrow so it can heal. No painting until Thursday though I can prep the room.

    With the garden now harvested, I can fertilize it and plant the garlic and call it a year. Though the deer did damage, it was a not a horrid year crop wise. I know what I will be planting next year and what I will be buying. I have to put chicken wire up to keep the deer from having free meals. 

    I did well yesterday and know that the Spousal Unit would be thrilled with what I have accomplished physically and mentally in the past 2 years. Hopefully I will keep moving forward and keep feeling peaceful. 


I have to balance doing things with rest so my muscles can recover. I need to fold laundry, start cleaning the spare bedroom, and make a chicken casserole to freeze. I want to sew on the quilt and wind yarn to knit socks tonight. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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