Saturday, September 28, 2024

Changing Up My Afternoon Routine

 Yesterday was rainy with a high of 16C. This morning it is cloudy and 13C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 18C. 


While I waited for daughter-in-law to pick me up, I started cleaning the garage. It was moving items away from the wall and sweeping. As I was putting the dirt into the dust pan, daughter-in-law arrived. 

Our trip was mainly to get her hearing aid which had to have most of the electronics replaced. She was thrilled to have them on and hearing much better than she was with her old ones. Our next stop was to get a few groceries she needed. I got one Christmas gift. Lastly was on to get frosted window film for a bathroom window. We got home at noon. It was a nice trip out and I spent under $10.00. 

I sat on the heating pad while I ate lunch. My SI joint was a bit sore and I wanted to help it out. It was getting better and I was only too happy to sit on the heat. It is much better today and I did some exercises this morning. I could do them better than yesterday. 


I did not sew yesterday as I chose to work on the memory journal. 


It was time to put on a video about making an easy waterfall card and get a page done in the memory book. I had done the front of the card quite a while ago. 

I had to redo the waterfall part but no big problem as I used most of the old card stock in the card. The comic strip was ready to go. I had to make one extra card which took me a few minutes. I played with stencils and stamps. Here is a couple of samples I made. 

With that page done, I decided to do another page. This one was quicker as I was doing a belly band to hold some sheet music. I decided to use scraps for the back ground as I am getting short on paper. 

It goes great with the page in the book. 

The next page is being designed in my head right now. I need to have it in place so I can work on it next week. 

I am going to have to get more paper next week. I am getting low on it and need to buy more. I have this signature to finish and another one to do. 


None done last night as I was tired and afraid I would make a mistake. 


    My body screamed it was tired after I got home. I did have some pain in my hip which was contributing to the tiredness. I was also tired as I haven't been able to do as much as I'd like to. It is what I call mental tiredness. I could feel some depression creeping in. I needed to deal with it quickly or I'd be in really bad shape. 

    Changing up my afternoon and doing crafts was a lot of fun. It really made me happy and I felt challenged doing the two pages and planning the next one. It forced me to look at pictures I have downloaded and start the creative juices flowing once again. I am going to try and craft two afternoons a week. 

    I have started to think about Christmas gifts for family. I am going to start on one in October which I think will be a fun one. This one will require me to buy some fabric for it. I am looking forward to putting it together. 


I am going to start prepping the bedroom to paint. I will fold laundry while I rest my hip. I also need to tidy up the kitchen again. This afternoon I will sew on a doll's dress and I will knit tonight. I am staying at home today. 

Until the next time............................................................................

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