Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Hall Is Done

 Yesterday was another sunny fall day with a high of 25C (humidex 29C). This morning it is 14C. Today is suppose to be another sunny day with a high of 27C (humidex 30C).


I emptied the fridge and freezer yesterday morning and prepped it to defrost. I called the repair man who really upset me. He told me to call the power company and tell them to stop the power bumps. Then he said I was being obsessed with the fridge. And finally he told me to defrost it for 48 hours and if it acted up again, to call him and he would come and look at it. He won't be coming back. I will get another repair man to look at it. 

I unplugged the fridge and let it defrost while I painted the hall. The walls are done but not to my standard. I will give it a light sand and redo it on Friday. Once done, I scrubbed the floor on my hands and knees using a scrubber. I targeted the joins in the wood and it was grubby. Overall, the hall is brighter and lighter. 

I am now deciding if I will do the spare bedroom next. It is calling out to me to be done. I can start it this weekend. I think I have enough paint for the first coat and will have to buy more. 

After a break and lunch, I started to freeze the carrots. I got about 1/4 of them done (almost 3 lbs). I scrubbed, peeled, blanched, and bagged them. 

These ones are for family. I usually do smaller bags for me.

While I was doing carrots, I did work on the fridge. I pulled out sheets of ice from the freezer. I put more bath mats into the freezer to absorb the water. When the carrots were done, I finished up the fridge, plugged it in and pushed it back into place. I did a load of towels while I cleaned up the kitchen. 

The fridge is working again so I will load it up with food from the mini fridge. That little fridge is going no where until I get the big fridge situation sorted out. 


I didn't sew yesterday. I hardly thought about sewing I was so busy doing other things. I was okay with that as I needed a break after getting the to-do list completed. 


I knit on sock #2 last night. The gusset is done and 11 rounds on the foot were completed. 

I do love these socks a lot. When I do others in this yarn, I won't do the heel in the solid colour unless I buy an extra tiny skein of yarn. 


    I learned on my own how to do a forced defrost on the fridge. Not that I ever hope to use it. Something to know just in case. What I do know is that once there is a power bump is to unplug the fridge for 20 minutes in hopes it will start in the right cycle which includes the defrost cycle. At the moment, this fridge is going back into start but won't go into the defrost cycle causing it to freeze up. I have a feeling the temperature sensor is faulty hence why I am going to try and get another repair man to look at it. 

    I am wondering if I am not happy with the paint job I am doing is from the walls not being done properly when the house was built. That was the case in the house in Kamloops. It also may mean I have to sand walls and do a third coat in this house. It has me thinking. 

    My hip was not as sore yesterday as I had thought it would be. I did a lot of stretching in bed the night before and had several good cracks. What ever wasn't seated correctly went back into its proper place. I know osteopathy will be targeting that area on Thursday. She will be delighted to do that. 

    The days are certainly getting shorter. We have about 12.5 hours of sunlight. Mornings are dark when I get up and the sun isn't shining in the center window of the bump out in the living room in the evenings. We are to have a couple of warm days this week and then cooler days. No frost in the forecast. 


I am going to do the balance sheet this morning before going to the doctor. After the doctor I am going grocery shopping as I need groceries. I hope to do more carrots this afternoon and knit tonight. This is the first of three days of appointments. 

Until the next time.................................................................................

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