Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Projects Completed

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 20C (humidex 22C). This morning it is clear and 8C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 21C. 


I started the morning by sanding half of the hall walls, sweeping the floor, and washing the walls. Then I started to paint the walls. I took my time and tried to do a good job and feel like I was successful. It took me 2 hours to do the job from start to finish. 

I was tired when I got done but my hip felt great until after I rested. Then it was sore from all the climbing I did on the ladder. 

I did wash the floors on my hand and knees when I finished painting. One thing I did notice is that where I had problems in the tight corners, the professional painters had the same problems. I don't feel so bad about the few issues I had. 

I did clean up the kitchen yesterday. I am trying to make a habit of having it clean for the next day. It is a good feeling to know that I can start the day off with that room clean. 

I sat with the heating pad on my hip last night and had to shut it off. I started to sweat as it was too warm for me to handle. I will try again tonight to use heat on it for as long as I can handle it. 


I finished up the hat for the Strawberry Shortcake outfit. It was fun to make this outfit using a new dress pattern and a tried and true hat pattern. 

I decided to play with the doll's quilt and before I knew it, the blocks were sewn together. I laid the first border down to see how it would look. 

They are now pinned ready to sew on. This is a fun quilt which uses up extra fabrics I have left over from bigger projects. The pattern calls for buttons in the middle of each square but I am going to do diagonal quilting on this quilt. 

I also put some rhinestones on the front of the Renaissance outfit. It was exactly what it needed. 


I knit on the 2nd sock and got the heel flap and heel turned by bedtime. 

I don't have enough yarn left for the toes. 

In hind sight, the idea was to knit only the cuff and toes in red. I may order in the yarn for the toes plus another kit to knit for daughter-in-law. 


    I had plenty of time to think the past little while. I have been stressed about the craft bazaar I was going to do this fall. It isn't going to happen. I will try to do it next year. But as I kept thinking, I realized my stress was deeper rooted than the bazaar. 

    I have decided to use up the materials I have and then only do what I want to do on a small scale. Mainly gifts for family, table items for holidays, and a few items for fun or to give to a long term care facility. This means buying what I need when I need it. The only thing on the crafting shelf will be the big tools I use. The carts will hold the smaller items I use. I have decided I don't want the stress of making items every day all year for a craft bazaar. I want to enjoy and play with crafting items. 

    I have also decided that my first focus will be on the memory book so I can give it to my friends this Christmas. I have put a halt on all other paper crafts until that is done. Once done, I will then focus on what I want to make either for gifts or for the craft bazaar. 

    This was a difficult decision to make but I feel much better (less stress). I know I won't regret it as I realize I want to have fun crafting rather than feeling like I need to do it as a job every day. 


I will roll the paint on the areas that need doing and then clean up. I have to take out recycling to the garage. I should also clean up some more if I have time. This afternoon I want to work on the doll's quilt and tonight I will knit on the socks. It is another at home day for me. 

Until the next time................................................................

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