Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Sashing Done On The Winter Quilt

 Yesterday was cloudy and showery until late afternoon. The high got to 22C (humidex 26). This morning it is cloudy and 13C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 18C. 


I had a massive headache yesterday. I am not sure if it was tiredness from the humidity, dehydration, or ?? It did leave when the sun shone in the late afternoon. That made me wonder if the air pressure was being crazy but according to the weather station it was pretty stable all day. 

I did clean the kitchen and ended up sweeping the floor only. My head was throbbing so I didn't do it. I also did 2 loads of laundry which still need to be folded. I sat down at 11:30 am and closed my eyes for 30 minutes. I didn't nap though I would have liked to. 

I had to keep the heat pump running on dehumidifier all day. As soon as I opened the windows, the house heated up and my head throbbed even more. I did open the windows last night and it is cool in here this morning. I do feel much better today. 


I did sew yesterday for several hours. I was able to focus on the getting the sashing on the quilt. I picked row 3 apart and got the blocks on in the right order. I then put the horizontal sashing on so the three rows were connected. I finally did the vertical ones on the sides and then the top and bottom. By 4:30 pm the sashings were on.

The border fabric is ready to starch today. I won't be able to finish it until Thursday. When done it will be ready to go to the long arm quilter. 


I looked at some of the crafting stuff I bought and I need to rethink a few things I want to make. I want to start again so will move on to something else I can make and finish the memory book. I need to do some serious thinking of what I can make for the craft bazaar. 


I had a great time knitting the socks last night. I got half of the leg done on sock #1. 

It is hard to stop knitting as I want to see the stripes form. I set a goal and only did that. I hope to finish the leg tonight. 


    I haven't had a headache like the one I had yesterday for years. I pushed through it with one good rest before lunch. It was more annoying than anything as I couldn't do everything I wanted to do. I have a feeling part was from exhaustion from the humidity we have been having. I have been tired from it. Here is hoping we are almost done with the humidity for this year. 

    As I looked at what I want to craft and watched a few videos, I need to think about how I can do them. Will I do gift bags with handles? Will I do small Santa sacks? How will I do the tea/hot chocolate holders. Sewing projects are easier as I have lots of fabric to sew up. The paper crafts need me to buy card stock which I will have to look for on sale or use a coupon at Michaels. 

    The hot tub did help the muscles in my leg. I do have a bit of pain but I think it is soreness in the hip socket. It isn't really sore but more annoying soreness. I will try the hot tub again to see if it helps the pain I am having or if it is the hip socket. 


I am to do the balance sheet first thing and then vacuum the house. Once that is done, I am hoping to go outside and start cleaning up the vegetable boxes. This afternoon, I want to starch the border fabric and do some sewing. Tonight I want to knit on the socks. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time.....................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Martha from Louisiana
    I am so sorry for your awful headache. I’m glad you are feeling better.
    I’m intrigued by your use of gift bags at Christmas. Are the bags reused from year to year? Does the recipient keep their bags or do they returned to you to be used again? Please don’t think that I am, as we say here in the South, “gettin’ all up in your business” , or being too nosy.
    I have a large family and hate the waste of paper wrapped gifts.
