Monday, May 20, 2024

A Day Of Being Busy

 Yesterday was mainly cloudy with a high of 17.8C. This morning it is cloudy with fog and 9C. Today we are to be mainly cloudy this morning with the sun shining this afternoon. The high is to get to 22C.


Yesterday morning I tackled the balance sheet. I put in 3 entries and it wouldn't balance. Took them out and it balanced. I did that 3 times before it balanced. I finished the without any more problems, did my little bit of stats and put it away. 

I did two loads of laundry and had them folded and put away by noon. While the laundry was on, I started cleaning the bathroom. It was not too bad though there was the usual toilet paper fluff to deal with. The floor was washed and I was on to cleaning the kitchen.

I did a good job of the kitchen making sure I cleaned it well. The Keurig was descaled while I worked. I took my two bouquets of flowers from Mother's Day and put all the nice flowers into a clean vase and the dead ones went into the compost bin. I kept working around the kitchen until it was clean and then washed the floor. I was happy that the two rooms got a good cleaning. 

Late in the afternoon, I went out and watered the garlic. I watered the box for the leeks twice and then planted the little plants. There were 40 of them. Lots of leek and potato soup this winter. There is enough space left in the box to plant bok choy. I will plant more of it in other boxes also. I now have to keep the box watered and fertilized. I need to buy slow release fertilizer in the next day or two. 


I spent some time in the sewing room and made block 4. I love how it turned out. 

I am loving how this quilt is taking on its own personality. 

Block 5 is the hour glass and it needs 4 pieces of fabric 7" square. 

I cut a fat quarter into bias strips to make piping. It is ready for me to sew the strips together and add the cording to it. I can do that one day on the 2nd sewing machine. 

My next project is to make a dress for the dolls inspired by Downton Abbey. I cut out the pattern and started to sew the dress together. A bit of a puzzle as I find the instructions confusing. Maybe the next version will be easier. 

I put a bit of ruffled lace down the front and need to sew some seed beads to represent tiny buttons. 

There is lace at the neckline and I have played with it. After pinning it on, I have since removed it and fussy cut the edge. I will see how it works and if it doesn't I will find other lace in the lace bin to use. There is no shortage of lace in that bin.

Once the little beads are sewn on to the front, I will do the sleeves and then cut out the lining. I am enjoying the project even if I find the instructions a bit confusing. 


I knit the foot on the 2nd sock. 

I am ready to do the toes and they will be done. I didn't need the ball of black wool but will keep it for another project. I will be ready to start the next pair of socks this week. Hurrah. 


    I am glad I pushed myself to do things yesterday. I was feeling sore and somewhat depressed. Setting goals and getting them completed made me feel much better. I will continue to set goals daily and push my way through the pain and what ever it is I am dealing with. 

    I found out someone we knew and did the electrical for our house in Ashcroft passed away from cancer. He was such a nice person and I was sad to read about it. 

    I sold one more item from the garage sale yesterday. My friend bought the Japanese mesh works kit and I am hoping she will do some and add it to some of the wall hangings she does. I told her I will help her if she needs it. I would love to see her do lattice work with it and hand appliqué flowers or plants on to it for the background on one of her animals. 

    I am trying to make a plan to start cleaning under the hedge. It is going to be warm for the next few days so I will have to work in the mornings. I also want to set up the furniture on the deck so I can sit outside and enjoy it. I am thinking of eating lunch out there on nice days. 


I need to grocery shop, clean a bit more of the house, haul out deck furniture, sew, and knit. I will see how much I get done. I am over planning as my hip is not sore this morning. I can eliminate things as the day progresses and do more another day. Even getting two items onto the deck is better than none. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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