Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Day Of Rain and Wind

 Yesterday was one very wet day. We had a high of 18.5C and almost 1/2" rain fall. This morning it is cloudy and 14C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds and 23C (humidex 28C). 


I was out the door to get groceries first thing and when they were put away, I was out to make a tent around the tomatoes. The wind was gusting up to 50+kph. I also laid down the deck furniture as it was walking around the deck. I also picked up a tub and empty pots from the yard and ditch. 

My neighbour asked if I would take her in to Bedford for her dentist appointment. She didn't want to drive her car after the accident. I said yes and we left at 11:30 am. The drive in was windy and very wet. The road had a lot of water on it so I had to drive carefully due to hydro-planing. We were able to get to one office to take in a broken mouth piece and then walked around the mall looking in an antique store and a craft store. It was fun. We lucked out that it was barely raining when we went to the car. Next was to her appointment about a 5 drive away. I sat in the waiting room while she was in for her appointment. It poured the whole time. We came right home and as we got closer to home, the rain eased off some. The rain stopped here about 6 pm. We are now wet and recovered from the dry spell. 

I have noticed that I am having less pain in my hip and knee. The SI joint cracked and has been seated for several days. I am walking better and more. I do get tired when I am on my feet for extended periods of time but that is needed to build up more strength. I still use heat on it at night which seems to help. 


I did get the grey fabric pressed and I am figuring out the cutting using my information. It is going to be close and I will need more fabric if I choose to make a pocket in the lining. I wait and see. 

The brown scraps of fabric and the print were starched and hung to dry. They are ready to be pressed today. 


I need to get the light sock to daughter-in-law to see if she can have the wool against her skin. I need to buy another skein of yarn for the Gros Moren socks. So I cast on a sweater for the dolls. 

The pattern is very simple and fun to knit. I love how the pattern is a border up the front and part of the raglan sleeves. 

I tested this pattern several years ago and I think this is the third time I have knit it. The plan is to have it paired up with a skirt in the Nova Scotia plaid. 


I am going to clean up the garage this morning. This afternoon I am going to work on the bag with hopes of getting the snowball blocks completed and maybe a trial run of the embroidery blocks done. If it is dry enough outside later this afternoon, I will plant some vegetable seeds and remove the tent from the tomatoes. Tonight is knitting on the sweater. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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