Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Another Day, Another Bodice

 Yesterday was cloudy and damp feeling with a high of 13.8C. This morning it is clear and 8C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 20C. There is ground fog in a field that is slowly moving our way making it look spooky outside. There is no wind so it is drifting in very slowly. 


I spent the morning cleaning. The spare bedroom was done as it was time to do the big cleaning of the litter box area. Then it was the bathroom and hall. While I was cleaning those areas, I also did 2 loads of laundry. It was a busy morning but also one with very little pain. 

I did go out into the garage and back inside. It was too cold out there to work. Maybe this afternoon when it is warm outside and I can open the garage door. It won't take long to do as I am down to the last tub and a few items from the basement and shed. 


I played with the original bodice pattern and got the muslin made. It fits the doll exactly the same way as the shoulder dart muslin does. Hurrah.

And the back.

Side by side and on top of each other. 

I have traced off the front bodice sloper again and have done the pivot method to take out the waist dart and make a French dart. I feel like I am learning so much more doing the course this time. I also feel a bit more confident as I have spent some time playing with patterns. 

I put the eyelets into the kirtle and the outer bodice. I had to fix one of the holes as it was slightly over the edge. The job is done but not as pretty as I would have liked it to be. No pictures of that part. I did lace it up on the doll and I do like how the kirtle fits her perfectly. 

Next up I sewed snaps onto the outer bodice and the front panel. I may have to move 2 snaps in a bit so they don't show. I hate the snaps I had to use as the holes are sharp and break the thread. Very annoying to say the least. I will be buying another brand in that small size when I order the larger ones I use for closures on dresses. 

My last job was to pull up the pleats and pin the skirt to the outer bodice. I am quite pleased with it. It is ready to be whipped stitched into place. 

I will work the pleats as I sew them in place. A bit of a tug to get them to lay flat and a bit of moving them so they are more even. I am at the point where I want to sew something easy but will finish this dress before I cut out a new outfit for the dolls or the quilt. Focus, focus. 


I weighed the yarn and decided to knit 10 more rounds on the legs. I have decided to knit as far as I can with the main yarn and add the black when I run out of it. Next I set up the needles to knit the heel flap. Three stitches were moved so the front of the sock has the design balanced. I then started knitting the heel flap and found out I had dropped a stitch. I unknit, picked up the stitch, and knit some more. No pictures were taken. 


    I have rested my hip and back enough that everything is, once again, back in place. I can now start to do outside things at a slow pace. If I start to hurt a lot, I will have to stop and rest so it can heal. 

    One of the items I ordered for under the deck has been shipped to the store. I was surprised it was done so quickly. Hopefully it will arrive so they can deliver it on Thursday with the rest of the order. I am excited to start that project even if I only help here and there. I will be able to put the soil into the vegetable boxes so I can start thinking about planting seeds in a couple of weeks. 

    I have done a mental list of what I need to buy this month. Groceries and some plants for the yard and garden boxes. I don't need much of anything else as I am still using up what I have in the sewing room. 


It is clean the kitchen day. Once it is done, I want to work in the garage. If there is enough time, I would like to pull more edging from the hedge. Sewing will be sewing the skirt to the bodice by hand. Knitting on the socks tonight. A day at home as I have no need to go out. 

Until the next time............................................................

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