Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New Socks Begun

 Yesterday was sunny and warm. The high got to 25.1C. This morning it is cloudy and 13C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 28C. We may get a shower tonight. 


Housework went out the window as I went to New Minas with daughter-n-law. We had to stop at Wolfville where I said goodbye to our friends. They leave for Alberta on Sunday morning and will only be coming back to visit. I will miss them a lot. We went on to New Minas where we did some shopping, got some lunch and headed home. 

I watered the plants when it cooled off a bit and all are doing well. I need to haul out the sprinkler and water all the boxes so I can begin planting seeds. Everything is quite dry here and we could use a nice rain. 


While in New Minas, we went to the fabric store and I bought the fabric for the borders and binding of the quilt I am working on. It was in the sale section and was almost gone. I think there about a meter left on the bolt. 

I have decided to support the store and take part in their Christmas in July contest. They are looking for projects that are not quilts so I will make a bag using two of the featured fabric and a tiny print/plain fabric. I will add embroidery and piping to it. I figured out how much fabric I need so will get it on Friday morning. 

I worked on the doll's dress and spent my time fixing the collar and doing the lining. I did a lot of hand basting. 

I hand basted the lining down to the sleeve as I want that seam to be hidden. I am ready to put the lining into the other side. 

The collars look much better since I fiddle with the one. 

Though the instructions look confusing for the lining, they are actually not too bad when I had the dress in hand and followed what was written. 


I wound the skein of yarn into a ball and love how it looked. Lots of white showing so I can do a pattern. 

I started knitting the socks and have the cuff and half the leg on sock #1 knit. 

The back of the sock is just as nice looking as the front. 

I hope to get another skein of this yarn to make another pair of socks as I love it so much. 


    It was warm yesterday but no record was broken. We certainly are not use to this heat which came on quickly. The basement is cool all day long but I have to run the a/c upstairs a it gets very warm. I do open the windows at night. 

    I normally don't take part in contests as they are usually for quilters who make wonderful quilts. The contest at the quilt shop is not focusing on quilts but originality of the item and how you use the fabric in what you make. I am going to combine quilt blocks, embroidery, and piping to make mine. The only quilting will be cross hatching. Everything will be stabilized with interfacing. 


I am out for physio at 8:30 am and then will go and get the fabric for the contest. My ideas are now firm in my head so I can begin by buying the fabric and do a few mock ups in scrap fabrics. I want to sew on the doll's dress this afternoon. I am out to grandson's school tonight as they are having their final inspection for the year. 

Until the next time................................................................

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