Monday, September 26, 2022

Some More Things Completed

Yesterday was a sunny warm day with a high of 20.5C. It has been raining off and on after midnight and the temperature this morning is 16C. It is suppose to get to 20C with a humidex of 25C.


Though I slept 10 hours on Saturday night, I felt like I was hit by a train. I was exhausted all day long. Typical post adrenaline surge. 

I did get a lot of work done. I did 2 loads of laundry and made the bed. The bags of stuff I had taken over to family's was unloaded and put away. Laundry from pre-Hurricane Fiona was folded and some items of mine and the Spousal Unit's were put into the garbage. The table was cleaned and most of what needed to go to the basement was taken down. While down there, I put things away that were put on chairs and tables in case the basement flooded. I am at a point where I can do the regular tidy up in preparation for the cleaners tomorrow. 

I had a rest after lunch and dozed some. Son and grandson arrived to mow the lawn and while grandson did that job, son and I tidied up the shed and did some looking in the garage. There are a lot of things to be dealt with in both areas and it will take us most of the winter to do that. At the moment we are looking at what we can move out so I can park the car in the garage with room for me to get out of the car easily.

I did my exercises yesterday. My knee has loosened up some more but the glutes in my back/hip are still tight. I'm improving slowly. As things limber up, I need to get stronger so I can do more things for longer amounts of time. It will take time but I know I can do it if I work hard on it.

I sat and knit on the doll's shawl last night. It is growing rapidly in width and I will stop knitting when I run out of yarn. I decided to use the left over silk yarn so it would be gone from the stash.


I need to finish tidying up for the cleaners, fold laundry, and cut the binding for daughter's quilt. I will knit tonight. I am prepared to go back to the funeral home for the next visit and I need to call the lawyer about getting the mortgage in my name. The list of things is growing longer and longer. One step at a time.

Until the next time.............................................................

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