Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A Worrying Sort Of Day

 Though we are having some good showers, the temperature has been warm post Hurricane Fiona. Yesterday the high got to 21C. Today we could have a few showers and a high of 21C. I need to get ready for frost on Sunday night.


I have been both busy and tired. Yesterday I woke up tired and stressed out. I was worrying about the necklace not showing up and bringing the Spousal Unit home from the funeral home. I was worrying about the life insurance policies which I did send in the information required. It was a worrying sort of day. 

I did go grocery shopping early in the morning and enjoyed the store being quiet. I am starting to think more about food and what I want to eat. I'm still waffling over the Instant Pot but may get over it and just use my slow cooker. I am thinking of what I want to eat which is hard after cooking for the Spousal Unit for so long. I did my version of a stir fry last night and have enough to make another one tonight. I do need to make a few frozen meals for days I'm home late.

The cleaners came for the last time yesterday and the house is clean. I'm ready to take over. I have one cupboard left to scrub in the kitchen, a bit of reorganization to do and I can move on to another room. I am trying to figure out a schedule which shouldn't be hard as I have all the time in the world to do things. I am getting the long list of what needs to done done. 

The necklace arrived and daughter-in-law and I went to the funeral home to do the last of the paper work. They put some ashes in the pendent and we brought Dave's ashes home. He got to ride in daughter-in-law's blue electric car that he loved so much and was so excited to see before she did. The next step is bury him and my mom. A family discussion as I want them to be a part of when we do it. 

I did knit last night and cast off the shawl. I don't think it is going to be big enough for the doll as I ran out of yarn. I will rethink that today as I want to make it to complete the Isla Girl outfit. 


I am going to start the balance sheet for September and pay bills. I want to see where I am with my spending. I am also going to work on binding daughter's quilt. I want it gone after Oct. 4. I am also going to start knitting either the shawl  or a doll's sweater if I have the yarn.

Until the next time.........................................................

1 comment:

  1. You are doing such positive things to take you through this stressful time. I appreciate your sharing each day and look forward to reading what you have to say.
