Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Doll Outfit Thoughts

 Yesterday was warmer than it has been with a high of 24.8C and a humidex of 32C. The sun shone though there were cloudy periods during the day. This morning it is 15C and foggy. It is suppose to be another sunny day with a high of 27C (humidex of 32C). We are suppose to have showers overnight. 


I spent the morning watering most of the lawn and garden. While I was doing that I did some housecleaning that needed to be done as the cleaners come today. 

I zoomed the Alzheimer's support group and it was a good meeting. We meet again on Oct. 17. 

I was tired (or was it sadness or depression) in the afternoon and rested. It could have been the heat and humidity got to me once again as I had to run the a/c. I put dinner on to cook in the oven and returned containers to my neighbor and visited for a half hour. 

I did call for an update on the Spousal Unit. He slept most of Sunday, was awake all Sunday night and yesterday. They are doing what they can with him as they prepare him for long term care. 

Last evening our neighbor came over for a visit and her youngest came over a bit later on. We chatted about school as he is now going to the same private school our grandson is. He's having quite the learning curve -- homework, planning, and keeping his agenda sorted. It will come with some time. One thing he knows is that he loves the food and eats lots. A big chuckle over that. 


I didn't go into the sewing room yesterday but did some research on this little outfit. 

It is Samantha's cycling outfit. I have a blouse pattern that looks like this but is plain in the front. I looked at the the video on adding the gathers to the front of the blouse on Pixie Faire's Pattern Academy course. I can use the bodice sloper, make the adjustments, add the seam allowances and then take the pattern I have and add the sleeves and neckband. I have a tan striped fabric I can use. 

There is this pattern by Kindred Spirit for boy's knickers. The pattern which is the same pattern as the one a friend used to make knickers for her doll's bicycle outfit. I may need to buy fabric for it after I look in the stash.

I have the hat and will add a new ribbon and flowers to it to complete the outfit. 


I got a few rounds knit on the socks last night. I am almost half done the foot on the 2nd sock. Progress is being made. 


I have to finish getting ready for the cleaners, grocery shop, do a bit of sewing room clean up, and go to grandson's soccer game. I am buying something easy to cook for dinner tonight as we won't be home until 5 pm or later. I do hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................

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