Thursday, September 01, 2022

Another Good Day

 Yesterday was another warm day with a high of 25.6C. The humidity made it feel more like 32C. There was a rain storm come in just before 5 pm and we had close to 1" of rain. It was quite windy. This morning it is 17C and calm. The high is to get to 26C with a humidex of 29C.


Son visited with the Spousal Unit yesterday. He was awake and alert but knows no one. He did talk to our son but mainly things from his world. He had slept most of the morning. It seems as if he is stabilizing which is good. The adjustments to the dosage of his medication is working. 

I was tired yesterday as I slept poorly. The house is too warm with no breeze at night. I did go out and scrubbed the beets ready to give away. 

They are the worst crop of beets we've grown in many, many years. I had thinned them but it just wasn't the year for beets. I did take them over to our neighbors to have for a meal. No beets next year. 

I rested the rest of the morning as the heat got to me while outside. In the afternoon I was out for an appointment and that was 90 minutes long and I have follow up to do. 

Later in the afternoon I visited with our neighbor. We talked about quilting, my sewing machine, and many other things. While visiting it started to rain and the power went off. It was off almost 2 hours. I ate dinner in the dusk and watched the rain fall. 


I didn't have time to sew yesterday. Too tired and too busy. My neighbor gave me more beads which I will keep some and give some to the little girl I sew for. She does crafts and will love the bigger beads. 

I have decided, only this morning, that September will be recoup month for me. The to-do list is small but I can add to it. I also want to clean the room one afternoon a week. It really needs doing. I'm thinking deep cleaning and maybe a bit of reorganizing. 


I couldn't knit due to the power outage and then I was too tired. Hopefully it will happen again soon. 


My little to-do list will take most of the morning and then I hope to sew this afternoon. I need to plan dinner and write up a shopping list for tomorrow. A really simple day for me. 

Until the next time...............................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I hope things haven’t taken a turn for the worse.
    Donna Wicks
