Sunday, September 04, 2022

All Is Good Here

Though it is still sunny, it has been cooler and less humid. Yesterday the high was 23.4C with a humidex of 25C. Yesterday morning it was 7C and this morning it is 10C. Today is suppose to be sunny and 24C (humidex of 27C).


Life has been busy. I get a list of things completed and another list pops up to be done. It has been exhausting to say the least. On the go every day doing something. 

The Spousal Unit has stabilized on the dosage changes of his medications. He was eating his breakfast himself yesterday I was told. He is weak and not walking which has to be addressed. He is in his own world though he asked if daughter-in-law and grandson when visiting by their names and told grandson he needed someone with a strong back and a weak mind to do a job for him. One of his sayings.

On the up side, I got 2 months of expenses into the spreadsheet and have 4 more months to go. Starting this month, family and I will be building a new budget for me. I'm going to have to think before I buy anything but I'm not going to deprive myself. I need to figure out what I need. I deprived myself for so long but I can't go overboard on spending.

Elliott is settling down and is doing much better. I am keeping his litter box super clean which helps him stay less stressed. He sleeps with me all night and likes to be near me during the day when I am home. He has gone back to sleeping under his blanket on the bed during the day. 

I have started to think about meal planning. I made 8 mini meat loaves yesterday and they are wrapped individually and in the freezer. Next up will be 2 lasagnas for the freezer. I need to find some chicken meals. I need quick and easy meals to heat up as I hope to be able to go in and feed the Spousal Unit once a day. I'm back to thinking about an Instant Pot.


I spent one afternoon in the sewing room and got the bodice done to having one sleeve inserted.

The sleeve band needs to be about 1/4" wider so I can fold it under nicely to hand stitch down. The sleeve goes in nicely and looks great. I am happy with the results. I'm learning as I go and sewing a muslin as been worth it. 

I did clean off a bit of the cutting table the other day and need to do more. It took me 10 minutes to do it and it made me feel better not having so much clutter on the table. 

I have been looking at the family room and will be using it to watch TV this winter. I am going to put away all the puzzles and use that table to photograph dolls on. I'm not sure what else I will use it for but I will figure it out.

I need to go to the quilt store and buy the backing, batting, and binding for daughter's quilt. That will be my big purchase for this month. I also need to buy a half meter of lilac cotton for Lily's dress. 

I found this free pattern for a quilt that uses 10 fat quarters of which I will have to buy 10 half meters for the Spousal Unit's quilt. The printable pattern is here. I will add borders to this quilt to make it bigger.


I'm off to the city with daughter-in-law and our neighbor to shop. We are doing the Costco run and I hope Walmart. It will be my first trip to Costco since May. I'm expecting it to be a long day. 

Until the next time..................................................


  1. I'm so sorry to read that sad and distressing news. I hope Tuesday goes well and your husband is soon to be looked after and settled in a pleasant, safe and secure place where you can visit him. Take care of yourself, Angela

  2. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anne, so sorry that you had this happen. So upsetting for you. My brother in law did the same thing, he tried to choke the home care worker. They took him after that. It will be awhile until you find peace in your mind. Look after yourself and do things that bring you pleasure. Give Elliott a chin scratch from me.
    Donna Wicks

  3. I can't imagine setting in a sleeve with all those gathers on a doll dress! My, you are an accomplished sewist!

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM


  5. I am an instant pot cultist! I would recommend for you the 3 qt mini duo ultra, so you can make smaller meals (enough for two) yogurt, cheeses, proof bread. You can even bake bread if you want to finish it off under a broiler for browning. Or, for making enough to freeze get a 6 qt but think about one with crisp/ air fryer lid as well. Life changing.
    I think you should plan some time off real recreation for you soon. You are one hard working woman!
