Thursday, September 15, 2022

Cleaning The Sewing Room Has Begun

 Yesterday was warm and humid. The high got to 26.2C with a humidex of 33C. Even the wind was hot. This morning it was 14C, cloudy and a slight breeze. We are to have sunshine, wind and a high of 17C. 


I got an update on the Spousal Unit yesterday afternoon. He slept during the night but hasn't eaten much. He doesn't seem to understand what people want of him so becomes agitated. He doesn't seem to know anyone. 

I was to physiotherapy yesterday and after the initial exam and some exercises, I have arthritis in my knee (hence the burning pain) and have to stretch muscles and tendons that are stiff. I have 4 exercises to do twice a day. I did go for 2 short walks also. I'm sore today but that is from exercising. It will take 4-5 weeks to get muscles back into shape and start building muscle around the knee cap. I will do those exercises as my goal is to walk most days even if it is on the indoor track at the hockey arena. 


I was into the sewing room for a bit yesterday. I gathered up the remaining garbage and put it into the trash bin or recycling bags. Day 1 of clean up is done. 

I looked at the quilt and didn't touch it as my neighbor wasn't home to tell me how she wanted it pinned. 

I have to make a plan on clean up as I want to spend 20-30 minutes a day doing it. I know it will be both decluttering and cleaning each area as I have really neglected the sewing room since I took part in Karen Brown's Decluttering Challenge in January. 


The second sock is ready for the toes. I looked at daughter-in-laws foot and the sock and I'm ready. I'm looking forward to getting these done so I can make a doll's sweater. 


I have to do my exercises twice which is #1 on the list. I want to go through the boxes in the maintenance room and sort it all to go to the thrift shop in Bedford or New Minas (Day 2 of cleaning up the sewing room). I want it out of the house as it is mainly my stuff. The goal today is to start pin the quilt together. I will put in lots of pins as they can be taken out if there are too many. The toes on one sock will be started tonight. I need to review that lesson on YouTube. I may have to rest today. I didn't sleep all that well last night as my leg was sore from physiotherapy. It hasn't done that much exercise in a long time. 

Until the next time...........................................................

1 comment:

  1. Oh! The pain of physical therapy! I hope you heal quickly.
