Sunday, February 06, 2022

Scraped and Shoveled Out of Storm #4

 Our weather has been a combination of rain, ice pellets, and snow. We had about 6" of it. The temperatures were warmer than our last storm. Yesterday saw a high of -4.6C. It cooled off all day and this morning it was -17C. It is suppose to warm up starting tomorrow. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

No event is exciting as much interest in Windsor and Truro as the coming hockey match. The Midland Railway will run a special train and 300 denizens of muddy Avon will attend. A large attendance of Truro people is required as the Avonians are noted for their cheering. Feb 5 1902.


The storm hit us but not as bad as other regions. There was a heavy coating of ice over much of the province. There were about 55 000 homes without power yesterday morning. The power fluctuated several times just before noon as the community SE of us lost power due to freezing rain. 

Our neighbor was out early and cleared his, ours and a neighbor's driveway at the road. It was quite a job to get that done due to packed snow from the plow trucks. After breakfast we spent the morning cleaning the driveway. I scraped and the Spousal Unit shoveled. We had over 3/4s of the driveway done when daughter-in-law arrived and helped finish it up. They had to dig out their driveway with metal shovels and both son and grandson had to push the snowblower to get the snow off parts of their driveway. 

In the afternoon we both had a nap and were out for son's birthday dinner. It was a lovely evening of great food and company. We got home about 8 p.m. and relaxed before going to bed at 9. 


I didn't sew again yesterday. I hope to sew today and finish up the outfit. 


I fought with the sock on Friday and have the heel, once again, turned and the gusset done. No knitting yesterday as I was too tired to think about it. 


If all goes well, I would like to sew and finish the test pattern. I am not sure if I will get the next one done or if I will move onto to sewing items off the to do list. So many storms has set me back quite a bit. I would like to knit on the sock tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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