Monday, February 07, 2022

1870's Bustle Dress Completed

Though yesterday was bright and sunny, the high only got to -7.4C. This morning it is -12C and cloudy. We are now under a rainfall warning for tomorrow. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Lumbermen report that there is four feet of snow in the woods and that if anymore comes they will have to stop work. New Glasgow Feb 7 1905. 


Yesterday was not a great day. The Spousal Unit was out trying to get the ice off the steps, came in and I had to go out and get them cleaned off along with the deck. While at it, I backed out the car and swept the ice and water out of the garage. He is having issues with the weather being so cold and snowy. 

We need to be like Elliott - relax and sleep. He was so happy you could hear him purr and he has a quiet purr.

I did a bit of cleaning in the kitchen and got some of the wall under the top cupboards wiped well. I also made sure the counters were cleaned off and the dishes done. I still have a bit more to do in the kitchen to get it looking great again. I will do a bit daily as I need to clean, once again, the rest of the house. A never ending job it seems. 

There were 102 people in the hospital with 13 in ICU on Saturday. Yesterday the number dropped to 95 with 13 in the hospital.  


I finally finished the 1870's Bustle dress yesterday afternoon. It is a well fitting pattern.

The skirt gave me some issues, especially the bustle. With some fiddling around, I got it to look good. It was me not the pattern. 

I love how the back of the top fits over the bustle. 

I am not sure if I will make the next outfit in time to meet the deadline. I may start it and do it when I can. It is a bigger project with more layers on the skirt plus a bustle has to be made. 


I worked on the sock and have 20 rows knit. I am measuring so I can keep track of when to start the toe. 

Lots of markers to help me know how many rows to knit. 


The goal today is fold laundry, clean the bathroom and tidy up the sewing room. I need to pull fabric for the next doll's dress and the Christmas projects I want to make. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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