Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Rough Few Days

 Our weather has been crazy with cooler days and warmer days. We did have sunshine yesterday with a high of 6.9C. This morning it is -3C and we are to have a high of 1C. The temperature is to rise to 3C during the night as we prepare for another bout of rain. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Although we have had some cold weather this winter, still the Little Bras d'Or Lake has been free from ice. Boisdale. Feb 21 1895.


It has been a rough few days in our household. The Spousal Unit has been having a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. He has also been upset over many things and has become verbally outspoken. It finally came to a head yesterday and he spent most of the day with family. I couldn't talk to him about anything as he would flare up. It was the best move we made. Today I am going to get a doctor's appointment to have him assessed, tested, and get the support we both need. He needs to be able to have independence and I need to have rest.

I continue to try and keep the house clean and tidy. I did the bathroom and living room yesterday. I am keeping the clutter down and hope to get more done as time goes on. It keeps both of us calm and it is easier for me to keep tidy. 

I know posting will be more sporadic until we get things settled into a new routine. Please bear with me as this is a difficult time for us. 


I got the test pattern done and was one of the last ones to finish. It was a difficult pattern to sew and not having the lace made this outfit a plain Jane compared to some of the others. But I love it and am proud of getting it done during difficult times. 

I didn't have the 6 meters of lace needed to doll up this outfit but I'm going to look and see if I have enough to do the neckline. I can hand sew it into place. 

The back of the skirt is wonderful. I love how the ruffles sit nicely on the bustle. 

At this time all 9 of the American Girl dolls are in historical outfits ranging from the 1700's to 1930. With that accomplished and the Spousal Unit's issues, I have asked for a temporary leave of absence from the testing groups. 

I started on the bag for daughter's breeders. I gave the focus fabric a light starching, pressed it well and let it dry. Once dried, I trimmed the top and bottom pieces so I can cut all the pieces to the correct width. Progress made on that project. 

My Juki sewing machine has now left Montreal. It is getting closer to home. 


The 2nd unicorn sock has the leg knit and I've started on the heel flap. I am so excited to be that far along. 

I have also taken a leave of absence from testing knitting patterns. I am short on yarn for the items we've been testing and I find it hard to meet the deadlines. Knitting at my own speed is what I need. 


We are going out for a drive to get apples. I am hoping to get some done on the bag and knit tonight. One priority is to get an appointment with the doctor for the Spousal Unit. 

Until the next time.................................................

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