Thursday, February 03, 2022

A Busy Day

 Yesterday started out cold and by midnight it was 3.4C. This morning it was 4C. We had some rain showers during the night and will have more today. Then we get into the storm - freezing rain, ice pellets, and snow. The high today is to get to 8C. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

Mrs and Mrs Isacc LeBlanc of Church Point are the happy parents of triplets, a boy and two girls. All are doing well. There has not been a similar case in these parts in many years. Feb 2 1890. 


Yesterday morning was a busy one with taking grandson to school, getting groceries and then to get Elliott his food. Once it was done, I had a nap to recharge and last the remainder of the day. 

I have been aching a lot lately with the storms that we've had. Some days are good but as the storms come in, I seem to ache more often during the day. I will be glad when the storms are done for the winter. 

The Spousal Unit was out and scraped ice off the driveway in the afternoon. He has the driveway looking good. He is wanting to do more on it today. 

There were 395 cases of the virus and 6 deaths reported yesterday. There are 95 people in the hospital in the Covid units with 13 in intensive care. 


I got the skirt to the 1870's Bustle dress cut out. I worked on the upper skirt front and then the back pieces. I cut a strip of fabric on the bias to finish the back seam which is one of my favorite things to do. The side seams of the upper back skirt were gathered and pinned to the front piece. I am ready to sew the seams and serge the seam allowances. Once done, the hems can be done. Then onto the under skirt. Hopefully pictures today.

The Literary Society Dress pattern has been released to testers. It is going to be a lot of work but will be lovely when done. I also need to make the lobster bustle to go under this skirt. 


I am back to where I was when I had to unknit and start at row 27 as I forgot the button hole. This test pattern should be done by Saturday. With the weather turning nasty, we won't be going anywhere. 


I need to do laundry, some cleaning, sewing and knitting. It is a stay at home day for us as we wait for the storm to come in. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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