Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Cloth Bag Is Done

Yesterday was a day of clouds and sunshine. No snow at all, which was nice. Today we are to get more snow starting soon. 


We headed out shortly after breakfast to shovel our driveway. The Spousal Unit started shoveling and I swept the car off. I then headed down the driveway to clear the berm off. We were surprised with help from our lovely neighbors. The job was done fast.
With no school, the boys came out for snowball fights and then played in the ditch for a while. They also played on the snowbanks. They were the only children out playing yesterday. 


I spent a long day in the sewing room making a bag. The pieces were cut out and the embroidery was done. I wanted to use up as much fabric as possible so I added pockets to the inside. 
The grey fabric is cat whiskers. The blue/green is the pockets which close with plastic snaps. 
The outside is plain with the cat face fabric the focus. I added black rick rack to the seam and a white cat face button to the handles. 
It will be delivered this afternoon. 
I am looking at more embroidery designs. I want to get one design to embroider out and put on a painter's canvas. I'm also trying to get the tweet series finished as I want to start stitching them out also. I am back to enjoying machine embroidery and creating projects for them. 


I cast on the under part of the dog's sweater and got 10" knit. I will make sure it is correct and then start decreasing for the shoulders. The left over yarn will be knit up and I am thinking of a blanket for daughter's cat. Same pattern. Christmas gift. 


Housework is on the list today and then I will sew piping. I have to go out and deliver the bag later this afternoon. Knitting tonight. 
Until the next time...........................

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