Saturday, February 03, 2024

The Second Cardinal Quilt - Started

 Yesterday was a day of snow flurries. It melted as it reached the ground which was nice. The high got to 0.7C. We were put under a Snow Fall warning around noon. It snowed good overnight and it is snowing and windy and -4C (windchill -10C) this morning. We are to have heavy snow, wind, and temperatures around -4C with a windchill of about -13C.


I was sore yesterday morning -- both knees and my hip. I really knew the storm was coming. I didn't do yoga but washed the floor at the closet on my hand and knees which hurt. When I did the stairs down to the front door, I stood and stretched while I washed them. The floor at the front door was on my hands and knees and the stairs to the basement was standing and stretching. It is done and clean. 

I had to go out shopping for apple juice and a few easy foods in case we loose power. The grocery store was busy with long line ups at the tills. I did self check out as it was quicker. I got out of the store and home at noon. 

I picked up grandson from school at 5 pm and had dinner with family. Leek and potato soup and fresh buns. We celebrated son's birthday early as we could be still digging ourselves out on his birthday. Friends came to help celebrate. I came home about 8 pm. 

I took Tylenol last night to help with the hip pain I have been having. I did sleep okay and when I did some stretching this morning, I heard 3 cracks in my hip area. It is feeling much better since then. 

Sewing and Crafting

I decided to spend about an hour working on paper crafts. I cut out 4 artist cards and made 2. The theme from the video I have watched was travel so I used that as a basis for the two cards I made. The first one was made through trial and error and turned out okay. 

The second one I just had fun with it. I dug into every piece of junk I had and went to town. 

I stencilled, layered, fussy cut, and used stickers. It turned out to be a neat card. I have temporarily attached them to a pace in the journal and will get them put in today. 

The next 2+ hours was spent in the sewing room. I cut the wine bottle bags. I have 3 outer parts and 2 linings. On the hunt for fabric for the third one. 

Next up I cut the fabric for piping into bias strips and piled them ready to sew. 

Last I worked on the cardinal quilt. The first row of 4 squares have the center block stitched in the ditch to hold the block in place. Then I stitched 1" from each side to quilt the embroidered blocks. All the threads have been tied and buried. 

I laid them on the floor so I could admire them. 

I had a busy session in the sewing room and accomplished more than I had expected. 


I had knit a bit at noon and finished the hat before bedtime. I have a tiny bit of yarn left from making the at. 


    I am glad I did some stretches in bed this morning and got my hip feeling better. It will help me handling the shovelling today. I just have to remember I'm not 25 years old and take it easy out there. It is suppose to snow heavily until Monday morning. 

    I am finding that keeping busy is helping me a lot while staying at home. I am feeling alert and wanting to do things including housework. It is also fun to plan out what I want to do and prep it so I can work on it during the month. 

    Going through the crafting items I had made me realize I need to make a list of items I am going to make and start on them. It may happen between shovelling sessions if I am too tired to do anything else. I just know I need to do the list of what I want to make for sale. 


It is going to be a shovelling day. I have to do the deck and keep up on the driveway. I am hoping my neighbour will snow blow it but if not, I will take my time and shovel it also. I hope to do some sewing and crafting between the times I have to shovel. I want to unravel my hat tonight and start knitting it in a smaller size. How tired I am drives how much I get done and how much I sit and rest. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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