Monday, February 05, 2024

More Snow, More Wind, More Shovelling

 Yesterday was another blustery snowy day. They say we had another 2" of snow fall but who knows. The high got to -2.5C with a windchill of about -10C. This morning it is cloudy, windy and -2C (windchill -9C). We are to have wind, flurries, and a high of 0C with a windchill of about -9C. 


I was out the door to shovel snow. The drifts were about 12" deep on both sides of the driveway and the snow berm at the end of driveway was over a foot deep. The two boys came over to help and we got the job done in fairly good time. 

Once I had rested and hydrated, I did some housework. Mainly swept and washed floors and some tidying up. I also folded a load of laundry. Once I got that done, I did the balance sheet and paid bills. 

The plow truck was around and I was out the door twice in the afternoon to shovel snow. Both time the boys helped me. The last time the snow berm was huge and compact. By this time everyone was out shovelling and snow blowing. The job was done and I was finished for the day. The deck needs to be done which I hope to do this afternoon.

My hip and knee have held up well during all the shovelling but I have found muscles that haven't been used in a long time. This has happened due to the fact that I am shovelling from left to right to keep my hip from tipping to the right. Small price to pay. 

Sewing and Crafts

I worked on the cardinal quilt yesterday. Blocks 1 and 2 were sewn together and the back seam hand stitched down. I then quilted the blocks as much as I could. The bottom row has been left plain until after I sew rows 1 and 2 together. 

I got blocks 3 and 4 sewn together and the back is now ready to hand stitch the seam. Once that is done, I will have 2 areas to quilt and then I can sew the first row together and finish it up. That is 2 areas where they are joined. 

I didn't do any paper crafts yesterday as I had no time. I did take a quick look at the journal and am pleased with how it is coming along. 


I picked up my knitting after dinner and got 12 rounds knit. I am just over half done the hat. 

I know this one will fit me better and I love to wear it when I go shopping. 


    I am grateful for all the help I got during the storm. It made the job go faster than if I had had to do it myself. I was prepared to do it myself with a plan of going slow and steady. I am mobile, strong, and able to do the job. I have learned when to stop hence why the deck is not done. 

    Though we hate the snow berms the snow plows put into our driveways, I am grateful that they go 24 hours a day to keep the roads in the best possible condition during the storm. It has allowed me to stay home safely knowing I could get out if necessary and that emergency vehicles can get in if needed. 

    The plow was out at 2 am and did the roads again. The salt truck has put on salt since then. That will mean heavy snow berms in the driveway when they plow off the slush. A small price to pay to have the roads open and in good condition. 

    I have been hungry the last few days and have eaten more food than I should have. I have put on a pound but it will come off when I cut back on how much I eat. I am not worried as I keep monitoring what I eat every day. 


Physio has been cancelled due to the weather. I will shovel snow instead. I want to also clean the kitchen up a bit. It isn't bad, it just needs me to wipe down the counters and clean the stove top. I also need to take out recycling. I did wash the floor yesterday so that is one job already done. I also want to work on the quilt and knit. I doubt if I will have time to work on the journal as I will be shovelling snow. Tonight I will knit. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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