Monday, February 12, 2024

An Afternoon Out For Soccer

 Yesterday was another lovely day with a lot of sunshine. The clouds didn't arrive until late in the day. The high got to 7.2C. This morning it is partly cloudy and 3C. Today we are to have a mix of sun and cloud and a high of 5C. We are under another storm warning which is to bring snow tomorrow around noon. 


 I got the balance sheet done and it took a while. I couldn't find a sheet of paper with numbers on it. I looked and finally gave up and did the numbers again. Everything balanced perfectly for me. 

I did yoga and was sore for the first part. I did loosen up and felt better. I need to get back to doing them every day as they do help me be more flexible. 

I also cleaned up the spare bedroom though I didn't dust. I was rushing as I needed to eat and be ready to pick up son at 12:45 pm. But the job got done properly and that is what counts. 

In the afternoon, son and I went to the city to watch grandson play soccer in a men's team. He got invited to join in the morning while at training. The team he played on yesterday consisted of team mates he played with last summer. The keeper was from another team and is fabulous. We had admired him when we saw him during the summer. He did an awesome job and talks to the team constantly. I understand he is wonderful teaching keeper skills. He is well liked and admired by the soccer community. 

Grandson played some and did a great job. He was on his toes and doing plays that he was suppose to. He thrives playing on this team and pushes himself hard. His team lost but they played a great game. 

We got home just after 4 pm and I was in a great mood. I was happy that I had gone to watch the game. I was also happy that I stood for the game with very little pain. That is a first for me to stand for an hour. Progress is being made. 

Sewing and Crafts

I did not sew yesterday as I was at the game. I did do a page in the journal. It is a simple page that I enjoyed doing. 

The snowflake blends into the paper too much so I need to decide on how to fix that. I may use a pen I have and trace around the snowflake so it pops out. Gluing the tiny snowflakes onto the tree was a pain but I got it done without destroying anything. 

I like how it goes well with the page beside it as this is the center fold of signature one. 

I did play around and found a round ornament to use for a shaker in one of the other signatures. I need to work on it more so I can cut it out on the Cricut. I know I need to buy acetate for this project and then figure out how to do the page. 


I knit on the sock last night and am making good progress. I had to stop as I got too warm having heat on my hip. 

I have 45 rounds knit on the leg and 20 more to go before I start knitting the leg on sock 2. I love the yarn colour and know these will match the hat I knit for daughter. 


    I am not looking forward to this storm coming in. Though it is to last only 24 hours it could dump a foot of snow on us. The only good thing is that I will be finished my appointment about the time it starts to snow. Then I can come home and prep for shovelling snow. 

    I am happy that I was able to watch grandson play soccer yesterday. Most of his games are in the evening and I don't like to be out that late. It was great that is was early afternoon and we had such a nice day to travel. 

    With warm temperatures the last couple of days, the snow is melting slowly. Areas of the lawn that didn't have a lot of snow are now bare. The areas that drifted have lots of snow but not like it was. More snow should go today before we the next storm. 


I have physio this morning and will get cat food and have the car washed while I am out. I want to clean the head on the heat pump as I know it is full of cat hair and fluff. This afternoon I would like to hand sew on the quilt and thread the pleater. Tonight I will knit on the socks. 

Until the next time................................................

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