Sunday, February 11, 2024

Focusing On One Job At A Time

 Yesterday was another day in which we had plenty of sunshine. The high got to 9.7C. This morning it is 2C and calm. We are to have a mix of sunshine and clouds with a high of 6C today. We are under a weather warning as a Nor'easter is to arrive on Tuesday. 


I chose not to do yoga yesterday as I was cleaning my bedroom. It was an all morning job. I started out cleaning the closets and then all the doors. Then it was moving the bed around so I could sweep floors, dry swiffer, and mop them. Baseboards were cleaned and dirty spots on the walls washed. I turned the mattress, wiped down furniture, cleaned the ceiling fan, and finished the room before lunch. I was tired but happy. I did put clean sheets on the bed at 4 pm as I had laundered them while cleaning the room. 

I forced myself to focus on cleaning that room. I did not let myself do other jobs as I am trying to do one job at a time rather than flit around doing a bit here and a bit there and not accomplishing a lot. It took me a while to get into the groove but when I did, I was able to focus on what I was doing and not on other small things I could do later. I know I have lots to do but I need to work on not pressuring myself to do some here and some there and then being unhappy with what I accomplished. 

I did do a few other small things. I wiped down some of the kitchen and put bags into the recycle containers. I also swept a bit of the spare bedroom and the hall. Though not a lot, it was enough to make me happy. 

Sewing and Crafting

I looked at the journal yesterday afternoon and planned another page. I need to pick the background paper and put it together. I also have to finish the cat cross stitch picture so I can put it into the journal. 

I hand sewed the back of row 2 and did the quilting I needed to do. I then sewed rows 1 and 2 together and have it ready to hand sew the 48" seam at the back. 

I have an afternoon or two of quilting after the seam is sewn. Once I get started, it will go quickly as I have the pattern figured out. 

I worked on the doll's chemise and did French seams where the sleeves attach to the body. I finished the neckline at the front and folded down the neck hem, hand basted it in place and pressed it down. It is ready to be smocked. 

I drew some lines on the very front of the chemise and will iron them off. I am thinking of drawing one line around the neckline so I can follow it while putting the fabric through the pleater. 

The next job was to get the needles into the right grooves on the pleater. Most of the needles fell out when I went to do the job but I got it done. I am now officially ready to thread the machine and pleat. 

I swept the sewing and family room floors before going upstairs. I am trying to keep the rooms neat and tidy. So far so good. 


I did knit 10 rounds on the socks last night. I was out for a bit in the evening so 10 rounds was more than I had expected to get done. 

The pattern is very easy to knit and it showcases the yarn. I could have done a more complicated pattern but am happy I stayed with simple. 


    I am settling down after realizing that I was over thinking things and trying to do too much. I am working on doing one job at a time rather than flit. I am also realizing that I need to set limits on how much I do in a day. Making lists helps me stay on track.

    The fog rolled in at 7 a.m. and it is low and thick. What is amazing is the sky is clear above it in the east. The sun is starting to come up and I am sure the fog will be gone once the sun is fully up. 

    I am wanting to buy a couple of items to help make craft fair items. The items are expensive and I need to make a list and buy one a month. I am thinking of starting with the envelope board. I also want to buy a stencil and ink for signature 2. I can use these for other projects I plan on making.  


I am doing yoga today as I need to do it. I'm not sore so should have a good session. I have to do the balance sheet and then clean the spare bedroom. I want to work on one journal page, thread the pleater and do a trial run on it, and start hand sewing the back on the quilt. I want to knit tonight. 

Until the next time................................................................

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