Monday, April 29, 2024

Cleaning and Organizing The Garage

 Yesterday was another beautiful warm spring day with a high of 16.2C. This morning it is cloudy, wet, and 6C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with showers and a high of 12C. 


It took longer to do the balance sheet than anticipated. I forgot to check to see if any debits had happened on the bank statement prior to the last entry and there was. I fixed everything up, got it to balance and put it away. I was happy that job was done. 

I folded laundry and put it away. I did the cat litter and was happy that job was done. It was after 11:30 am when I entered the garage. The car was backed out and I started sweeping the floor and other surfaces. It was dirty from being ignored all winter. I worked my way around putting up tables and moving items onto them. I emptied cupboards that had items for sale in them. I moved the work bench out from its location and put items on it. I was truly in yard sale mode. I stopped after 35 minutes, put the dirt on the floor in the garbage can and admired what I had done. 

I still have at least one more morning and maybe two before it will be done. But, progress was made. 

I had a crock pot full of spaghetti sauce simmering all day and it smelled really good. Late in the afternoon, I made 2 small lasagnas and put 1 of them and 2 containers of sauce in the freezer. A lasagna will make 2 meals for me. More freezer meals made.


I had enough time in the sewing room to make 3 meters of piping. It was so relaxing to do something easy. I puttered away at it and was done in just over an hour. 

This fabric has a silver shimmer to it and will look perfect on a dark blue shirt. I still have one more length of piping to make which is cut out ready to have the strips sewn together. 

I looked at the pattern for the outer dress. Quite a few pieces but it isn't as daunting as the kirtle. I will start out cutting only the pieces I need and build up from there. I find that an easy way to construct an item that has lots of pieces. 


I knit about 12 rounds on the hat last night. It is half done. No pictures as I was so tired I went to bed early. 


    The garage is dirty from the winter but not as bad as it has been in the past. I am slowly getting the items organized in my head that need to go into the yard sale. I found 3 strands of Xmas lights that work in a box and they will be sold. I have items in the basement to come up and I know family has items to come over. Once the yard sale is over and the remaining items gone, I will organize the garage the way I would like it to look. I never complained while it was a workshop for the Spousal Unit. It was his space to do as he wished in it. 

    I was sore yesterday as I lifted a half sheet of plywood onto the saw horses. I have had joints crack since then so know things are slowly going back into place. I have no heavy lifting left to do which is perfect. I am working at being more active rather than sitting a lot. Heavy lifting is not in the books at this time. I can do it but it does make my right hip sore.  

    I am starting to make more freezer meals. The next batch will be pulled chicken with rice. I really like having these meals as it allows me to cook larger batches of food and I have meals to eat when I am busy all day. 


I am out to physio early. I have to help daughter-in-law with peeling and cutting carrots. I am not sure what else I will get done. If time, I will bring up 2 suitcases for the yard sale and start sewing the next batch of piping. I will knit on the hat tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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