Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wrestling A Quilt

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 16.2C. This morning it is 7C We are to have sun, clouds and showers with a high of 18C. 


I was ready and out the door to get grandson from the hairdressers at 8:30 a.m. He came to my place to weed the hedge. He got most of the weeds gone. What is left has to be done on hands and knees. He raked up the mess and some of the yard for me. 

While he was raking, I spent time making 4 meals of fried rice with the left over ham I got from dinner. I cooked rice and have 4 bags of left over rice in the freezer also. Next up will be  meat loaves. Once those are done, I will stop for a bit. 

Yoga was done after the meals were completed and I was a bit sore for some unknown reason. I put it to being tired as I had a poorer night's sleep. 

I did go and do grocery shopping when grandson left. As I got into the car to come home, the muscles in my groin went and had a good spasm. It hurt something fierce. Once home and everything put away, I had lunch sitting on the heating pad. The pain was gone but I was achy and tired. I did have a short nap after lunch. 

With the pain, my body grabbed fluid and retained it. My weight is up and I'm now going back to simple eating once again. This is the usual gain I have when my body is tired/exhausted from pain. I now fight to get the fluid gone. 

The rest of my week is busy with X-rays and physio today, hair cut tomorrow, and flu shot on Friday. I will need to pace myself carefully as I know the flu shot is going to knock the wind out of me for 12-24 hours. 


I did sew in the afternoon. I wrestled the binding onto the quilt. I have some repairs to do as the quilter cut off threads that ran over the edge of the quilt and they are not secure. I have fray checked them and will apply some glue to the threads to help them stay secure. 

Overall I am happy with the quilting. I had forgotten the edges can be an issue as the rows of designs do not fit exactly on the width or length of every quilt. I have become very spoiled when my friend does quilting on items for me as her patterns fit due to them being custom. 

I did not play with dart manipulation yesterday as I ran out of time. It was almost 5 pm when I got the binding on the quilt and ready for me to glue the threads and hand stitch the binding down. 


I worked on the vest last night and got 12 rows knit. I should be done the back by Friday night if I knit every night until then. That means 8 to 10 rows a night which is doable if I focus on it. 


    The days are starting to get shorter but I wish we didn't change to standard time on Nov. 5. Having lived in northern BC for 12 years, I didn't miss the time change at all. You get use to being on daylight saving time all year round. It didn't affect the cost of electricity or fuel at all. 

    Though I had the terrible muscle spasm in my groin yesterday, I am improving. My aches are in different places and the ones I had have disappeared or are not as bad as they were. I have a feeling osteopathy will start working on my back and physio will work on yoga for my hip, knee, and back. I will do as told and continue to apply heat when necessary and start adding walking to the mix. 

    I am going back to simple eating for a few days and see if it will help get the fluid out of my system. I am going to start walking a bit each day with the walking sticks so I can start to strengthen up my muscles. 


I have to be at X-rays early and then physio before lunch. Between I hope to clean off the dining room table. I want to start gluing loose threads on the edge of the quilt and hand stitch down the one side that is good. I would like to do some dart manipulation on the bodice front. Knitting has to happen tonight as I want to get the back finished by the end of the week. I also have to remember to take garbage to the curb for pick up tomorrow morning. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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